Thursday, May 7, 2009

15 Month Old Has 96.5 Temperature

Posadas Claudia presentation

aurea Lapis, Claudia Posadas:

A poetic fire in the heart of

Antonio Tenorio *

ever, Carlos Chávez, Mexican composer that landmark, to provide the Chair of Poetics at Harvard University, said in speaking of what he called the musical thought that the man becomes all things to understand; When man understands his mind expands and she fit in all things, when the artist understands, extending himself to reach new and unexplored regions, see more, is concentrated in itself and the beauty is a revelation.

view a job as Claudia Posadas which he shares with his board Lapis aurea, I should say in correspondence to the author's poetic thinking is under make the call on the instrument with which and upon which traces a journey in which the purpose and principle are revealed, and we are revealed, as particles a light imprisoned ambiguous germ dream. How release, asks Posadas, if perhaps not through the Heraclitean stay that transforms everything and all weather shelters. Stay, Posadas said, "stay, then, / taken by a mystery that we infringe / like a candle pierced by a fire devouring his heart."

Thus, on the underside of the fabric of the world, Claudia Posadas weaves the fabric of their own evolution is the evolution of the poetic voice becomes, at a time, and instrument area, beginning and end, moving that shuns a comfortable and easy to grasp the alleged consistency and completeness text. The poet, however, delves into the depths of what, in his words, "it must be said," to shake and call from there to the collusion of signifiers and telluric overlapping meanings.

There is honesty, of course, and stripping, too. But it is, this case, a stripping that game paradoxes, remove to return, spares to fill, darkens to light. Game, because writing should not ever stop being said without saying Claudia Posadas, scholarly reading of the traces that have unequivocally that the same inventor of gramatta the letters, it was gambling, yes, the same Hermes expands understanding the world through the un-understandable symbolic. That script, in the words of Borges to talk about Kabbalah, seeks to portray itself as the encryption face a language before language itself.

"At the moment the reference image, the concept, idea, language structures, the signifier is not sufficient or not to express these forces, I am interested to find other solutions," says Guest to talk about his Poértica -. I do not speak of a so-called 'experimental per se, or impromptu games merely verbal, but a branch that arises when requested by the poem and language, an absolute necessity because of a crisis. Is an endpoint that is reached after a journey, and therefore has a meaning consistent with his way. This is the mouth of a verbal draft drawn on the tension, "says the author of Lapis aurea.

In such a way that the reader, that Other is the one when reading, that is, becomes in the words of the voice that is internalized and appropriated the same, the reader will see how the poet strips him to enter, or rather, to let delve in this universe of multiple references and verbal mouths Posadas girder will re-visions and views expressed in a language capable of not fearing their own limits.

that extent, if I may say so, to call the recall measure the immeasurable, is to affirm that Lapis aurea strips yet fulfilling, while relentlessly all de-asserts it, even what I say, anxious not to lose the cautious, timid and I have traditional reader, naive and handles to find the reason that rigorous impiety and skillfully all the illusory transubstantiate poet in significant lucid glimpses of brightness and cracks through which emerge revealing the strength of his words and voice.

has established correctly in my view, the poet Victor Manuel Mendiola, in the Mexican poets born between 1962 and 1970, and Claudia Posadas is one of the most prominent representatives of this generation, "continues the development a clever poetry does not scorn the meaning or the music or the world with all its attractions, banalities and wealth ... They are poets for whom the fund is not only contrary to the form, but in both terms together in an indissoluble unity. "

For Claudia Posadas that poetry is more than the look, of an inside that crosses herself and goes to the heart, elusive and mobile scepter of all existence as a mystery, as light and reluctantly crouched . The pen that writes the Lapis aurea is also why language, chisel, brush. Origin is continuing to talk about the other, the reader, point in the journey of the writer, he has read. Lapis which is, in turn, stoned , white tile, stone to go to the origin and final (only apparent) stone of the word and substance which falls and falls that which resists the target, which is the beginning of time: the substance of the dust.

Why should we accept our defeat / and live drowned the world, called to ask the voice in Posadas Claudia voltage, why it is fair to say after his Lapis aurea is who has ventured into reading becomes part of a revealing and transforming vision of life. Why, if the word is there like a light, like a fire eats whose heart is not the time.

* AT is the narrator and essayist. He has served as an academic from different universities, and serves since 2005 as Mexico's cultural attaché in Chile. His most recent book is the novel The permanent state of things , published by Mondadori.