Monday, November 9, 2009

Does Menthol Help Athletes Foot

Vengo like writing because I was just in the presentation of the English translation the last book of Manuel Castells by himself. Llenazo in historical library of the Complutense University (c / Novitiate), in the center of Madrid, presented by the rector Carlos Berzosa by Manuel Campo and Maite Vidal Pascual. The book that we met there is entitled "Communication and Power" and I will not summarize the magnificent one-hour talk that Professor Castells that gave us but I draw from it one sentence: Our brain is a neural network, with which we connect with social networks, which rely on physical networks conumicaciones. We are networks that connect to networks. This word, networking is becoming the key word of this new century. Can not understand the world today without understanding the networks. Here we can see a sneak preview of an interview conducted

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In the series of conferences that are being developed in Telefónica Foundation with the title "Ten concepts that are changing the future " We are addressing these issues with guests such as L Barabasi, David Weinberger, Rahaf Harfoush, Icaro Moyano, Tischler Lara, Javier Llinares, Marc Vidal, and December 1 with our guest Clay Shirky and Genis Roca and Andres Perez . All they understand very well this new reality based on relationships and networks are helping us to understand. This video attached below speaks for an hour, just that, of how society can change for social networks. Starting with something as odd as a football team run by his followers, thinking and networking. I think it's one of the best videos I've seen on this subject lately and also our next guest comes Clay Shirky is one showing how the new original thinkers and visionaries of this new stage of social development. I leave with him


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