Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Converse Oem Shoe Laces

notes on the vision and dispersal rate

"The science of rhythm in iPop magazine

Juan Carlos Ramírez Figueroa

this essay, is one of the first works "revisionists" on the electronic culture. Written in 2004, has not lost its validity. Moreover, after its acceptance as part of the mainstream and their own Altamont (the 20 young people dead in the last Love Parade in Germany), gender and sub-styles require further study. Its author, Paul Miller (DJ Spooky That Subliminal Kid) is passed by reference as Wu-Tang Clan, Giles Deleuze or Baudrillard to guide us through a universe that knows very well.
chapters as
Click is write / write is click or rhythmic Film are remarkable studies on the influence of machines and music in contemporary culture. Not for nothing, Miller is recognized by the magazine The Wire, as a Renaissance man. Rate a professor who said, "Give me two records and I'll build a universe" and that gives us reflections in these hundred pages that are read over and over again.

as saying: "You are alone in a garden of memory in a non-scripted Eden temptation. The apple of science is an advertisement posted on a web page. Enter the keyword and offers conflicting meanings. " This cosmic anguish scattered to the world we live in, all the text accompanying and said his presentation, sampea "autobiography and theory." Is that this dispersion is an inevitable effect of the global capitalist world. Where once there was a break against the established (be-bop, rock and roll, free jazz, punk) now, being all broken, do not even know what broken piece keep breaking. Miller gives us tools to realize. The rhythm of the machines.

Science rate
Paul D. Alpha Decay


Saturday, August 7, 2010

Bushnell Trophy Mp Ar15

begins Friday August 13! ! More claire fontaine

s EMINAR / workshop
crossovers of art and contemporary thought

The notion of crossing means an area of \u200b\u200bmating and exchange "between heterogeneous discourses and practices.

Ni exposure of a theory of art or philosophical search for aesthetic experiences: the seminar / workshop is a tour around different points at which contemporary thought (ie thinking that it intends to take account ... ring the historical singularity of our present) is with art and make this meeting an opportunity for the intensification of theoretical invention processes could emerge "exceedances ontological" "Regimes of the sensible", "artistic truth", "experimental communities", "human strikes" and other concepts, premises and assumptions used to influence the ways in which we construct and analyze our lifestyles.

We will investigate the many ways then, the different reasons and different effects typical of those instances in which art sobering contemporary theoretical practices. In these crosses there is a fertility invite you to explore.

>> Work Programme
01. Alain Badiou and art as a process of truth
02. antonio negri and ontological leave
03. Jacques Rancière and sensible scheme
04. la société anonyme, claire fontaine, strikes
human and experimental communities

>> mode
work on the basis of a previous reading, will be an exhibition that aims to bring the structure of conceptual networks texts and issues that emerge from them. After this exhibition, work in a participatory, collectively producing scenarios from the participants to ask questions. It will promote an approach to reading material that derives from the same conceptual tools that connect with current practices of the students, contributing to imagine ways of working so far unthinkable.

>> Duration
4 meetings

>> Day & Time Friday
19.30hs to 21hs

>> Starting Friday August 13

>> Zero Space Place

Tucumán 1024 Rosario, Argentina

Full Course Fee $ 180 (is payable at the first meeting)
or two installments of $ 100 (paid in the first and third encounter)
The course fee includes the bibliographic material.

>> About
seminar coordinator Franco Ingrassia (Rosario, 1976). A Master in Participatory Research in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). He has given seminars as a visiting lecturer at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA). Maintains a clinical practice in public and in his office. Integra Laboratory Institutional Review Rosario. He has published several articles in magazines such as turbot and Country Group (Argentina), Mute (UK), Archipelago and The Old Mole (Spain) and DeriveApprodi (Italy). Coordinates the project Aesthetics of dispersal.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Fromal Letter To A Car Company

claire fontaine - this neon sign Was Made - 2007