Friday, December 31, 2010

Safway Birthday Cakes

demolish an old culture within a company

There is no doubt that technological changes and relationships that are taking place in this world "groundswell " should be reflected in the companies. The sooner we pass before the economy changed and the world. Last year, with Clay Shirky we devote an entire event in a series of lectures Fundación Telefónica (10 concepts that are changing the future) to the "reinvention of the business." The full video can be here.

The way companies communicate with society, how they maintain the reputation of their brand, how they treat their customers and interact with them and many things have to change and have to make radical. This is what is called a cultural change, and those are the hardest and the most resistance offered since they relate to how they see themselves and how they conceived the world, are part of their identity. Concerning: the marketing, communication, customer relations, sales, RSC wing, their HR .... the entire organization. For an old culture that does not give way to another hit, simply because we want or need. It will be a structure that was a great value for past, but now cluttered and difficult future and survival of the company and therefore must "demolish" it is the only way to replace it with another, and must be done from within, from the very structure of the company.

We have to see how to demolish old structures in the physical world, to learn to do so within a company. The first lesson is that a structure does not come alone or you can push, it is very sturdy, well-designed structure and locked. The only way to attack is to undermine its resistance column by column, pillar by pillar. When many attacked the structure collapses, is what is done in controlled blasting of buildings. We also have to do without doing damage to collapse, imploding so that later on it is easy to reconstruct and leave no damage to his downfall.

Here begins my analogy, big business people with new ideas, with the new culture are gradually taking up positions in the pillars, these middle and upper responsibilities are changing the ways of doing things in their environment in their responsibilities and dealing with others, each in his column. Outsiders begin to perceive these changes gradually. At one point there are so many that the new culture is imposed and the old falls, collapses. The company acquires a new identity in the world, a new behavior in all areas. That is why companies, for their sake and for its future have to encourage the replacement level, mental and attitudes in key positions, the "controlled demolition", because changes culture are essential, inevitable and healthy.


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