Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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I know why I could not find anything when I ordered everything very well

Next week I will be lucky to meet David Weinberger, co-author of the legendary Manifesto Cluetrain which this year celebrates 10 years now. The Manifesto is a book visionary who envisioned the consequences of some tools that allow two-way conversation, collaboration and contribution to the network. These three "C" are another way to define Web 2.0, a way, less used, but more descriptive. Just to tell us how did that show and how far we have advanced in their predictions we bring to one of the open debates Telefónica Foundation, within the series "Ten concepts that are changing the future " the next day October 14 at 12 h. For those who can not be relayed by Live Internet chat and then hang over our media library like all the previous pages.

The Manifesto is a widely cited book, and I suspect little read, and as it was something I feared all four authors condensed into 95 theses . Mainly concern the way in which companies have to change its relationship with customers and the reasons therefor. Everyone has their favorite theory but I will reflect here only three of mine. Of course the best known is the first:

Markets are conversations.

but here are my favorites:

7. Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy.

73. 're invited, but is our world. Take your shoes off at the door. If you want to trade with us, down off that camel

88. We worry about things more important than whether you will change in time to make business with us. The business is only part of our lives. Seems to be all yours. Think about it: who needs whom?

Well, on the way from airport to hotel and from there to the conference have time to talk to him about these issues, but really the matter I wrote this post was not for the Manifesto and the Web 2.0, but with one of his most recent books, one that explores the world of information glut, a world that literally buried in information. This book is "Everything is Miscellaneous . The Power of the Digital Disorder." Paradoxically, his thesis is that to combat and manage information overload, the solution is ... more information. This little video interview, again Infonomía guys, we can see Weinberger explaining these issues and I personally, I have finally entendido'por que'en very orderly environments I do not find things. Excessive waste order a lot of information .... not me, says Weinberger ... listen, listen


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