Sunday, October 18, 2009

Swelling Or Bump On The Side Of Tongue

The roller coaster of expectations

human beings, and more acting or feeling as a group, are very special. We are very easy to delude ourselves, to the point, what is new. Amplified further by the media who are in search of new and magnifying its importance, based on repeat as a great sounding media that feeds on itself. However, later this interest declines very sharply (more sharply as expectations rose faster) and even going the opposite extreme, consider that before the maximum value is worthless, to depression, which is the point negative perceptions. After time passes, and if that technology is useful moves into his post, you may not change history but now in a silent, comes to occupy an important part in our lives and our economy.

This type of behavior collective perception, particularly in environments of emerging technologies, leading to situations such as financial bubbles tend to burst into sharp decline after the peak stage of assessment. A base to see this again and again is developing a curve that is called in English " Gar tner Hype Cycle" and this week has again been picked up by numerous blogs (I found a new entry Dolors Reig in his blog shell, not to be missed ever) about the appearance of a report. Reference is made to a Trends 2009 report that puts all the services and new Internet and ICT on that curve Gartner.

reproduce here the curve 2009:

is interesting to see where they are now technologies and services we use. First we see that the highest expectations, the crest of the wave, the deal in this year: the cloud and ebooks. Issues such as the Twitter (microblogging) have begun a declining trend in interest, such as Green IT or telepresence. In the lowest place have fallen RFID radio tags public and virtual worlds of Second Life type . However, technologies and services as corporate microblogging the voice recognition technologies, location-based applications , the SOA , etc. are no longer cover in the press but are slowly taking their place in the everyday economy after having gone through the whole cycle, this roller coaster of collective perception, where up laughing with excitement and down screaming in panic.

Perhaps the ultimate interest is to look at those who are climbing the summit and will be the stars in a few months. Here we find the Internet TV, the 3D printing or augmented reality. Well, an excellent overview of the technology and the collective perception of it and, in short, a model to order everything, but not very useful for making accurate predictions, no stranger to criticism, if it has a lot of truth and experience of 26 years in the ICT sector has allowed me to witness many of these roller coasters.

I leave you with a video that explains in detail this important curve regarding the publication of a book published by Gartner: 'Mastering the Hype Cycle: How to Adopt the Right Innovation at the Right Time' by Gartner Analysts Jackie Fenn & Mark Raskino. Published by Harvard Business Press. / hypecycle ...


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