Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bible Black Ep 3 Sub Eng Streaming

"The press and international cooperation"

Next Thursday, May 6, the English Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECI) and the Inter Press Service Agency presented the research "The press and international cooperation. Coverage of cooperation for development in nine European newspapers. "

is one of the few studies that have been made so far on the coverage of the Cooperation. Marta Caravantes of Cipó Company, is circulating the call which highlights the importance of the study because:
- For the first time, we analyzed the treatment that the European press made on international cooperation.

- is essential to assess what knowledge becomes public opinion on cooperation for development through the media.


· Bonaventura Bassagoda, Vice President for Social and Cultural Transfer
· Francisco Martín, Journalism Committee of Journalists Solidarity of Col.legi

· Marcial Murciano, Professor of Journalism at the UAB

· Miguel Ángel Villena, Communications Advisor, SECI. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation

· David Minoves, director general of Development Cooperation i Acció Humanitarian Generalitat de Catalunya

· Mario Lubetkin, IPS Director

The date is Thursday, May 6 at 12:00 pm, in the Col.legi of Journalists of Catalonia (Barcelona).

also celebrated in May this interesting day in Madrid (PDF) on "Humanitarian action in times of crisis" within the journalism seminar in solidarity with the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Megan Good Short Hair Looks

the new aesthetic paradigm

Since the closure of the sample of Tucumán Arde in 1968, in Argentina the visual arts remained the margin of the crisis, far more conceptual aesthetic currents that were generated from the Documenta X and XI. Detained in a universally understood as hegemonic, visual arts have not left a position of supposed independence that still is justified by the fierce defense of "the autonomy of art." This position is not an endemic phenomenon in Argentina. The misgivings about the conservatorship, the evaluation criteria rather proactive, the jumble of different trends and, above all, restoring the spirit that every time I smell blunts the decline of an economic model reveals that everywhere artistic representation suffers start a sort of abyss. Both politics and art were too far in their strategies attracting the number (of people, voters, hearing). Both the policy and have used art media strategies to the point of meaningless. Can

[outdoors. Gabriela Massuh. Interzone. Buenos Aires 2008]

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Wwe Design Yor Own Action Figure

An image that sums up a power of nature that is inaccessible to us

The eruption of a volcano that is collapsing air traffic in Europe and we can not have any control, despite all our technology. At the bottom rays carrying elective intensity that we can not imitate, all in a glacier in Iceland, the island located on the gap that divides the Atlantic Ocean and separates two plates of the Earth on dry land sailing where we carry our fragile lives. "Even you think that we are the masters of nature?

Rubber Ducky Invitation Quotes

Clay Shirky and analysis of Social Media for Neuroscience

I must say that I have a soft spot for this thinker. Whenever I heard his lectures or read his articles have been subject to think for several days. It is not only a person very knowledgeable in technology and applications, as some who want to be a reference on the Web, it is also a real thinker of the models, the profound changes in society. Is linked to the University of NY and this is another important element to highlight, r here in Spain and the Universities seem to be outside this process of reflection on the changes the Internet and new technologies are introduced, or if I'm wrong and do not note is not published nor influences enterprises or public policy.

The fact is that in December last year, due to having contracted for a chat Fundación Telefónica cycle, with the title "Ten concepts that are changing the future", I had the opportunity to go to you at the airport and talk to some calm with him and I found that interesting in person or talking. In this can link you found the talk he gave in Madrid integrated. However, the origin of this input has been given by this afternoon I reviewed one of his last speeches on TED.com and I thought I had to share it with you because he speaks in a very interesting on social media changes being introduced into our life with special focus on the role of social network members and the media in this context. I think his words are more expressive than mine so I put the video, which is highly recommended.