Monday, April 26, 2010

Megan Good Short Hair Looks

the new aesthetic paradigm

Since the closure of the sample of Tucumán Arde in 1968, in Argentina the visual arts remained the margin of the crisis, far more conceptual aesthetic currents that were generated from the Documenta X and XI. Detained in a universally understood as hegemonic, visual arts have not left a position of supposed independence that still is justified by the fierce defense of "the autonomy of art." This position is not an endemic phenomenon in Argentina. The misgivings about the conservatorship, the evaluation criteria rather proactive, the jumble of different trends and, above all, restoring the spirit that every time I smell blunts the decline of an economic model reveals that everywhere artistic representation suffers start a sort of abyss. Both politics and art were too far in their strategies attracting the number (of people, voters, hearing). Both the policy and have used art media strategies to the point of meaningless. Can

[outdoors. Gabriela Massuh. Interzone. Buenos Aires 2008]


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