Sunday, October 31, 2010

Old Brazilian Female Singers


this afternoon, thanks again to those who follow in Twitter, I discovered a series of videos of Bloomberg bearing the title "Game Changers" and they spend (about 48 min each) figures that have redefined the sector, and some to the world. I have seen dedicated to the founders of Google ( Page and Brin ) and the Steve Jobs (Apple ). I also started to Zuckerberg (Facebook ), but it seemed both dangerous "social network" I have not followed it as it was almost the same, but the real actors and appeared not actors. How odd to see the twins really rich!

Google's was interesting to see the construction process a company with a product, a search engine, which interestingly were several with some success when it came ("remember Altavista, Lycos, Yahoo?) and those who managed to ring for important improvements in the search (algorithms) and its focus on business and usability . New ideas, new business models ( Adwords ) and a lot of innovation that has been offered a handful of users, to the extent that it is sometimes difficult believe all that has changed our access to information through Google, and all offered for free!

However, if Google's history is impressive, of Steve Jobs is epic. A story that runs through four decades since the birth of the first personal computers in the 70's until today. A history successful promotion in the first decade, crisis and expulsion of Apple for 12 years, a journey through the desert where he founded and acquires Next launching the first Pixar movie drawings created by computer ( Toys Story ) and finally return with a chain of successes iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad . Taking a company full of debts and never exceeded 11% of PC market , and in 1997 needed the support of rival Microsoft investor to survive, to become one of the four most capitalization stock the world, now worth 40% more even Google and Microsoft already over.

This story of " largest corporate revival in the history of U.S. " made a person, his strength, his vision and inspiration. Steve Jobs , leaning on his good side, concentrating the focus of the company and taking the design and hallmark of all its products avail. The starting point of this change was a major advertising campaign the slogan : " Think Different ." A campaign both the market and the workers own company. One way to tell them they had to forget about IBM or could or could not reach Microsoft and think only what they knew to do and do it differently, make it exceptional. And that's what happened. This is the video with the powerful message:
All these clues to how Jobs thinks are also at the end of the famous talk Steve Jobs graduates of Stanford University in 2005. A video that deserves to be seen again from time to time.

The other thing I suggested this video of Bloomberg is seen as until the story is not just can not get a good conclusion. I remember going to a business school in 2000 (before the launch of iPod ), a time when the whole struggle of Apple was in the world of PC and which never got a large market share. In the classes, tests were done to show how the failure of Apple in this sector should be explained by the use of closed standards and did not open as IBM . Today, without changing anything essentially, have a Mac is a symbol of being up to date, using the best technology, and the prettiest. Now the closed world is not restricted only to the computer, also occurs in the iPod, iPhone and iTunes (the essential element of its business model in music).

I think with what the best is to see that video. Perhaps the best business history of the last 100 years .

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gay Cruising Kitchener Waterloo

Think different, take a stand and future

Internet traffic grows 62% over last year, according to TeleGeography. A few days later, we know that Apple's profits have risen 70% this quarter over last year. Those of Google rose by 32.3%. While a great operator as efficient as Telefónica have grown by 9.4% (result from January to June), one of the fastest growing telecoms sector. The market value of a company is determined especially by its prospects for the expected growth. This capitalization market that provides growth, and success comes from innovation, is what led to a firm and almost broken in the 80, including Apple, to become one of the four largest companies, with three companies in the world oil, led by Exxon.

With all that exposed much of the main elements of great debate in the coming years between two major sectors that are essential and need each other. One mature, such as telecommunications and other emerging as the Internet. In short, the scheme is that the large increase in traffic seems to be contributing to the significant growth of benefits for those involved in Internet, which in turn, their attractive services and terminals, are stimulating the growth of traffic, especially video downloads and streaming mostly. At the same time, this growth in traffic is pressing and urgent making the necessary renewal of the networks that can host and maintain a higher bandwidth to the user, since the DSL already reaching the limits of speed. This renewal of networks in Europe was valued at about 300,000 million euros of investment over the next decade.

What would solve all this cunundrum finding the pattern of payments between the parties and users, to allow the system to continue as now, producing benefit to all actors and so boost, with business logic to the whole project. But users do not want to pay more or pay different (not the loss of flat rates) and there is controversy over the payment of the creators of traffic (Google, Bing, etc) to telecom operators.

of this addresses the main talks given in the telecoms sector and within the clear, from my point of view because it contains all of these arguments was made by the Chief Executive Officer Julio Linares Telefónica last September at the XXIV Meeting of Telecommunication UIMP Santander and thanks to the superb TV UIMP we can review again .

In short we are in a clash of business logic between companies looking for your benefit, whether on the Internet such as telecommunications. The only difference is that some Internet companies have the advantage that their income can be produced from free offer valuable services to the user. This is the case with the search engine Google or YouTube. Telecoms companies, as well as other Internet like Amazon or Apple inevitably have to charge directly to the user and that always hurts more.

In brief, a conflict that can not, unless you want to manipulate the emotions, in terms of bad and good. A conflict in any part forget their interests but those that do are best to achieve these interests to meet the wishes and needs of users.

This dichotomy was also seen in a good post Carpintier Rodolfo reading is always advisable to bring rationality and sense of all this world he sees through the eyes of venture capitalist and person accustomed to think ahead .

conclusion of this post has left me so serious and so severe, perhaps for having been so long with the inactive blog, I would add that to analyze this type of conflict is importate remember that line from Marco Auelio Hannibal Lecter in "The Silence of the Lambs" reminded Clarice agent on your first visit: "From everything ask what is in itself, what its nature ." If we follow this maxim we can better understand and analyze conflict with the best criterion.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Cheats For Yu Gi Oh Duel Academy On Vba

Blog Action Day 2010: Water is already a right to fulfill it ... now! Reasons for moving

occasion of the Day Blog action, Jaume Albaigès invited me to write in his blog post TecnolONGia on water theme chosen by hundreds of bloggers from around the world. So I reproduce here the article written for this blog. Thanks, James!

Soft water, hard water, black water, gray water, rainwater, waste water, hot water, mineral water, carbonated or sparkling ... There is a rural-or urban legend, which says that the Eskimos have 100 words to describe the water, possibly much less. In Galicia we also have a few depending on how the water falls from the sky. The abundance of water is reflected in language, and limited too.

2010 is the year that the UN has declared water as an essential right , namely July 28, as well as a right binding. As a journalist, I can not imagine a better owner in recent years. Well, we have seen that the heads of the media do not think so.

were many organizations that worked to get them to recognize el derecho al agua, y finalmente se logró con el empujoncito del Gobierno de Bolivia. Y así deberemos seguir trabajando, para que cualquier necesidad básica para vivir constituya un derecho que podamos exigir, ya sea a gobiernos, organismos internacionales o alcaldes del pueblo, y también podamos denunciar su incumplimiento.

Y ahora que ya es un derecho internacionalmente reconocido, podemos decir muy clarito que más de 900 millones de personas no tienen ese derecho , que el 40% de la población mundial carece de sistemas de saneamiento básico y unas 10.000 personas mueren cada día por enfermedades evitables, relacionadas con el agua.

And if you want more detailed data, we need only consult the report United Nations Program for Development a pretty big book, as I said a partner of Engineers Without Borders, should be a best seller world, and of course, a reference material present in schools, universities, ministries or why not replacing the in-flight magazines.

In countries and regions where the population has no access to potable water, the language takes on another dimension. I learned in the organization where I work, Engineers Without Borders , when I heard about safe water, ie water that is not harmful while not fulfilling the ideal conditions for consumption, or improved water points, affordable water, basic sanitation, coverage of supply or waterborne diseases.

Much remains to be done. The same day it convenes this Blog Action Day, October 15, with water as the theme chosen by hundreds of bloggers and bloggers from around the world, someone has thought also to convene the World Day Handwashing , awareness to action prevent diseases such as diarrhea and acute respiratory infections, causing so many deaths in the South.

But you could also extend this global day of hand-washing all those governments and international agencies, in fulfilling the agreements of the Millennium Development Goals, simply wash their hands. And even managed to avoid infection.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Styling Your Hair Like Dahvie Vanity

October 17

October 17 is the day against poverty, the time of year that social movements and organizations want to be heard loud and clear that it is possible to eradicate poverty. This year there are more reasons than ever to move ...

A crisis that some are determined to paralyze us

Millennium goals that some are determined to not meet

a poverty that some are determined to show it as inevitable

xenophobic speeches and actions that seek to blame in some ethnic groups, including Gypsies (soon to be immigration)

cuts in development aid accompanied by demagogic speeches like "the locals first"

Meanwhile, cold data as follows:

  • We have overcome the shameful figure of 1,020 million hungry.
  • This means about 24,000 deaths a day from hunger-related causes
  • 75% of which are children under five years.
There are many more reasons but the most important thing now is to speak loudly on 17 October:

Madrid: Sunday 17 October, with the usual route de Cibeles to Sun, at 12 am.

In the rest of Spain will surely announce mobilizations on the web:

"Ultimately, the only thing that changes things is the people on the street" ( O'Rivas)

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Lotions That Smell Like Coconut

an interview luchalibro (chile)

to read the interview, click here