Sunday, October 31, 2010

Old Brazilian Female Singers


this afternoon, thanks again to those who follow in Twitter, I discovered a series of videos of Bloomberg bearing the title "Game Changers" and they spend (about 48 min each) figures that have redefined the sector, and some to the world. I have seen dedicated to the founders of Google ( Page and Brin ) and the Steve Jobs (Apple ). I also started to Zuckerberg (Facebook ), but it seemed both dangerous "social network" I have not followed it as it was almost the same, but the real actors and appeared not actors. How odd to see the twins really rich!

Google's was interesting to see the construction process a company with a product, a search engine, which interestingly were several with some success when it came ("remember Altavista, Lycos, Yahoo?) and those who managed to ring for important improvements in the search (algorithms) and its focus on business and usability . New ideas, new business models ( Adwords ) and a lot of innovation that has been offered a handful of users, to the extent that it is sometimes difficult believe all that has changed our access to information through Google, and all offered for free!

However, if Google's history is impressive, of Steve Jobs is epic. A story that runs through four decades since the birth of the first personal computers in the 70's until today. A history successful promotion in the first decade, crisis and expulsion of Apple for 12 years, a journey through the desert where he founded and acquires Next launching the first Pixar movie drawings created by computer ( Toys Story ) and finally return with a chain of successes iMac, iPod, iPhone and iPad . Taking a company full of debts and never exceeded 11% of PC market , and in 1997 needed the support of rival Microsoft investor to survive, to become one of the four most capitalization stock the world, now worth 40% more even Google and Microsoft already over.

This story of " largest corporate revival in the history of U.S. " made a person, his strength, his vision and inspiration. Steve Jobs , leaning on his good side, concentrating the focus of the company and taking the design and hallmark of all its products avail. The starting point of this change was a major advertising campaign the slogan : " Think Different ." A campaign both the market and the workers own company. One way to tell them they had to forget about IBM or could or could not reach Microsoft and think only what they knew to do and do it differently, make it exceptional. And that's what happened. This is the video with the powerful message:
All these clues to how Jobs thinks are also at the end of the famous talk Steve Jobs graduates of Stanford University in 2005. A video that deserves to be seen again from time to time.

The other thing I suggested this video of Bloomberg is seen as until the story is not just can not get a good conclusion. I remember going to a business school in 2000 (before the launch of iPod ), a time when the whole struggle of Apple was in the world of PC and which never got a large market share. In the classes, tests were done to show how the failure of Apple in this sector should be explained by the use of closed standards and did not open as IBM . Today, without changing anything essentially, have a Mac is a symbol of being up to date, using the best technology, and the prettiest. Now the closed world is not restricted only to the computer, also occurs in the iPod, iPhone and iTunes (the essential element of its business model in music).

I think with what the best is to see that video. Perhaps the best business history of the last 100 years .


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