Friday, October 15, 2010

Cheats For Yu Gi Oh Duel Academy On Vba

Blog Action Day 2010: Water is already a right to fulfill it ... now! Reasons for moving

occasion of the Day Blog action, Jaume Albaigès invited me to write in his blog post TecnolONGia on water theme chosen by hundreds of bloggers from around the world. So I reproduce here the article written for this blog. Thanks, James!

Soft water, hard water, black water, gray water, rainwater, waste water, hot water, mineral water, carbonated or sparkling ... There is a rural-or urban legend, which says that the Eskimos have 100 words to describe the water, possibly much less. In Galicia we also have a few depending on how the water falls from the sky. The abundance of water is reflected in language, and limited too.

2010 is the year that the UN has declared water as an essential right , namely July 28, as well as a right binding. As a journalist, I can not imagine a better owner in recent years. Well, we have seen that the heads of the media do not think so.

were many organizations that worked to get them to recognize el derecho al agua, y finalmente se logró con el empujoncito del Gobierno de Bolivia. Y así deberemos seguir trabajando, para que cualquier necesidad básica para vivir constituya un derecho que podamos exigir, ya sea a gobiernos, organismos internacionales o alcaldes del pueblo, y también podamos denunciar su incumplimiento.

Y ahora que ya es un derecho internacionalmente reconocido, podemos decir muy clarito que más de 900 millones de personas no tienen ese derecho , que el 40% de la población mundial carece de sistemas de saneamiento básico y unas 10.000 personas mueren cada día por enfermedades evitables, relacionadas con el agua.

And if you want more detailed data, we need only consult the report United Nations Program for Development a pretty big book, as I said a partner of Engineers Without Borders, should be a best seller world, and of course, a reference material present in schools, universities, ministries or why not replacing the in-flight magazines.

In countries and regions where the population has no access to potable water, the language takes on another dimension. I learned in the organization where I work, Engineers Without Borders , when I heard about safe water, ie water that is not harmful while not fulfilling the ideal conditions for consumption, or improved water points, affordable water, basic sanitation, coverage of supply or waterborne diseases.

Much remains to be done. The same day it convenes this Blog Action Day, October 15, with water as the theme chosen by hundreds of bloggers and bloggers from around the world, someone has thought also to convene the World Day Handwashing , awareness to action prevent diseases such as diarrhea and acute respiratory infections, causing so many deaths in the South.

But you could also extend this global day of hand-washing all those governments and international agencies, in fulfilling the agreements of the Millennium Development Goals, simply wash their hands. And even managed to avoid infection.


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