Saturday, January 29, 2011

Sore Throat Flem With Blood

turns out that we were

Internet has accustomed us to so many useful and free services, which almost cost us believe that all that was ours, was available to us without any obligation and without limit. Was contrary to our experience in a physical world in general have to pay for everything. Little by little we have forgotten that all these brands that give us unlimited access to information or contact with other companies are actually subject to the vagaries of the market and the decisions of its managers, with shareholders and investors expect a return on their investment and management advice, accounting and management control.

So one day we woke to the shock of that del.ici.ous could disappear because Yahoo had decided to reduce cost and get rid of this service, you may sell to another party. For a moment the panic is upon us and soon the network was full of ways and tips to save our blogs, those who wore years collecting and had a great value to us. At the end did not happen, but we showed our weakness for a few days. Today in a discussion we had with teachers innovators posed what would happen if one day disappear Blogger or Wordpress? what would be the full experience and student achievement? We live as if this is forever but the Internet is a constant beta and what is at a fashion service may decline and even disappear in a few years replaced by another. Hardly anyone speaks of the Messenger, however, was barely two years ago the entire life of the young that now populate places like Tuenti.

What's all this is ask the reader, then go to the grain. This comes to you the other day going over the press reports I found this on Facebook that said: " Facebook advertising partner of their Internet activities . "Announce the activities of the members of this network in relation to a brand and also said that the advertising system could not log out. That is, if you say you like some advertising a check this action will be highlighted on your site as being part of an ad, you become part of the advertisement because, as Facebook says, has made a voluntary public action.

I read the news and I was a moment thinking it was the first direct step in the great battle for Facebook-business advertising will have against Google-business, with users as game pieces, with their tastes, shapes and digital tracks as values. The battle for which Google has had to change the CEO and has spent months preparing, Facebook has already had several months more traffic than Google in the U.S. and that is not free, it has great value, "there is another big fish in the fishbowl ", the near-monopoly on Internet advertising Google may end up having.

Then I realized that all these tools we had been felt for a long time as wild fish in a sea of \u200b\u200bpossibilities, infinite possibilities, free of the limitations of the analog world. However, we all accept terms and conditions of use do not read and we give them ownership of our photos of our protests and disputes must be settled in front of judges in California or who knows where. Gradually Facebook had collected 500 million users do not roam free in a sea of \u200b\u200binformation and contacts as believed, but were within a large network (the fishing) and now the company had begun to lift the network to collect his "fishing."

We thought we were sea fish and fish we were actually farmed, raised and bred to be eaten, to give an economic return. It is important that we realize this because these Internet services are under logic economic is no different in its goals than the rest of the economy will surprise us with its means, but it is important that no mistake on their end. We are the true value and we have to think that part of it we give and at what price. Remember, we're on a farm, growing repetíroslo be uploading a photo, comment, "I like it."

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Reprogram Insignia Remote

Good practices for retaining

On Wednesday, Ignasi Carreras held a new round table on volunteering, in which representatives of Caritas, Fundación Balia and Red Cross. I was struck an article quoted by Ignatius, The new volunteer workforce, published by Stanford University and volunteering in the U.S..

The article reveals the fact that third of volunteerism in this country does not cooperate with the organization after a year . I wonder what the data here. As remedial measures, the article proposes a number of them who, without being anything new, is well met to prepare a good plan for volunteering:

- Match the skills volunteering with functions that is given.
- actively recognize the work of volunteering (in the U.S. have measured the cost of a volunteer hour, $ 18)
- Measure the impact the work of volunteers
- Investing in training and development
- Training for staff employed who can work and collaborate with volunteers (for me, this is the most important)
- Enter the figure of the advocate of volunteerism (globally yes, but not in an NGO ... I?)

Carlos Foreman, director of Red Cross volunteer, said the challenges that we still have here, which emphasize:

- More Resources for recognize volunteers who are already
- Explore the micro-participation or tele-volunteer
- promote social participation from those already involved
- Expand social participation from the intercultural
- Leading from NGOs the corporate volunteering, and not from the Depts of companies' CSR

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Cost Of Laminate Counter Tops At Menards

[microapunte] two modes of relationship between aesthetics, politics and self-organization

01. There are compositional aesthetic procedures that have the capacity to produce sensible worlds, places where we can experience other ways of being and relating. This may have consequences for an experience of self-organization as long as a political process to bring the aesthetic experience in excess of itself, installing the desire to become contaminated by the constitutional capacity the rest of their lives (in) common. There is an aesthetic experience prefigurative function allows us to experience the way in which certain musical styles-real, symbolic and imaginary, is a new world.

02. The other mode of bonding happens when, in the very construction of an experience of self-organization, is necessary to resort to methods of regimes of sensitivity settings. There will need to enable tools from the field of aesthetic practices, which will have a role here than prefigurative-configurational to produce these new modes of construction of perceptions. And then the politics will work on the point of making these regimes inconsistency, ie, to avoid producing a tautological closure in which only see what the regime knows actively look to see, opening for innovation from non- -identity of the processes themselves.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Where Can I Make Custom Lacrosse Pinnies

farmed fish markets are the parents

Epiphany Today is and always has fascinated me in particular one thing, the big conspiracy about this day to save the country's best kept secret: that the Kings are parents. It is so accepted that this must be kept secret from generation to generation, I think we all remember the shock when she saw a child learn for the first time check (which was not easy.) The reason was that we could not believe how many people were in on it and had not said anything, parents, grandparents, uncles, media, etc. Any society with a tacit agreement to keep this secret and for what? For good reason: to get the unique magic of a day, the illusion of a morning when a child is nervous to open up their gifts checking as the Kings and the pages and the camels have eaten and drunk everything they prepare last night. That illusion deserves to maintain the fiction of this size and scope. I agree with this secret group.

Sometimes I think the same thing when I see the financial markets and their operation. Arbitrary, manipulative, unjust, cruel, relentless, boundless, chaotic. However, despite that have proved they are a great danger to the stability of our lives, seem indisputable, we need them they are the best way to manage an economy. Never mind that companies judged creditworthy to banks that later went bankrupt by his wicked arts, now judge his judgments States and that State costing more billions in debt refinancing which can save impoverishing its officials or its pensioners. That does not count, do not question the system. In fact the system has emerged unscathed from the crisis he provoked. Maintain the fiction, accepted by all, that's how it should be, than any other option would be worse. Mathematical algorithms make buying and selling computers as complex criteria, in the midst of high-frequency global transactions and this also seems normal as the foundation of our economy. Crazy crazy machines with programs moving hundreds of times higher numbers to the real economy and subject, I think, just the laws of chaos theory. As the economy grows purely financial fiction, economics real that should sustain and pay for the damage in case of failure (as now), it becomes increasingly small compared to tumor growth almost from the first.

Future and many more products and do not cover real economy risks for which they were created, but are part of a great "timba" world where one can get rich or go bankrupt betting against indices , trends or weather, without lifting a concrete block, or a liter of fuel, or a garment, ie, doing nothing of anything real, rather than moving figures on a screen.

In sum, we do not question this fiction seems obvious and yet used as gambling chips to our pensions, our mortgages and even our savings, in short, our present and our future, and I wonder why? Is it the one day hope to wake up millionaires as children with a room full of gifts? I do not think that will ever happen to me, maybe they happen to others, who play in that great financial casino, but not me. So I do not want to continue to maintain this collective lie to others who are having their day of Reyes at our expense, it's time to say that "markets are the parents." The collective lie can not go, someone had to say. For that!