Sunday, November 29, 2009

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Life Network

Today, browsing among the dozens of links to my Twitter network provides me (holy tool!) I found two themes beautifully explained, showing that nothing is hard enough if you make the right effort. Also we live in a time in which to create an animation, video or display is inexpensive and requires only average ability. I'll add these examples to this post.

The first is a video on the causes of the credit crisis. I know you have heard in many ways, but I assure you, you saw that you have seen, this video is what allows us to see in operation the mechanism global finance and global as the ambition has to cross the limits of reasonableness. The other thing is to see sorpende reduced to a mechanism, a large gear to make money, without deceit, stark. It's good not to forget this video for no illusions. Is the mechanism that affects: wars, elections and all crises.

The Credit Crisis of Visualized from Jonathan Jarvis on Vimeo .

The second video is about the hadron accelerator (LHC), which has returned to be launched in Switzerland after 14 months of the cycle. How it works "for what is it used? Why this effort?. It is high-level physics, high energy physics but its principles are basic and can be explained, and this video explains. After seeing podreis and presumably understand, at least, the goal of that effort, the 6000 million invested in the 12 years of work and of the 7,000 scientists involved. So I leave here.

In short, if understood, can count and if you can tell, we have more than enough means to do so in an attractive manner. And it's good to end a sentence, here is today's: "If you do not know communicate well with others, you will know not to convince or motivate. If you do not know report you will be misinformed and you can not manage effectively . "(Robert Papin).

Monday, November 9, 2009

Does Menthol Help Athletes Foot

Vengo like writing because I was just in the presentation of the English translation the last book of Manuel Castells by himself. Llenazo in historical library of the Complutense University (c / Novitiate), in the center of Madrid, presented by the rector Carlos Berzosa by Manuel Campo and Maite Vidal Pascual. The book that we met there is entitled "Communication and Power" and I will not summarize the magnificent one-hour talk that Professor Castells that gave us but I draw from it one sentence: Our brain is a neural network, with which we connect with social networks, which rely on physical networks conumicaciones. We are networks that connect to networks. This word, networking is becoming the key word of this new century. Can not understand the world today without understanding the networks. Here we can see a sneak preview of an interview conducted

rtve team to

In the series of conferences that are being developed in Telefónica Foundation with the title "Ten concepts that are changing the future " We are addressing these issues with guests such as L Barabasi, David Weinberger, Rahaf Harfoush, Icaro Moyano, Tischler Lara, Javier Llinares, Marc Vidal, and December 1 with our guest Clay Shirky and Genis Roca and Andres Perez . All they understand very well this new reality based on relationships and networks are helping us to understand. This video attached below speaks for an hour, just that, of how society can change for social networks. Starting with something as odd as a football team run by his followers, thinking and networking. I think it's one of the best videos I've seen on this subject lately and also our next guest comes Clay Shirky is one showing how the new original thinkers and visionaries of this new stage of social development. I leave with him

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Std Testing Toronto Fast Results

The Socialnomía

I do not pass up this video of Erik Qualman, which have been translated into English, on the phenomenon of Social Media. Much of the data and we have seen in the video Did You Know?, inlcuso is the same music in the first version, but the focus here is mainly on social networking and social media.

is also relevant here to add a classic video of simple explanation of what are the Social Media:

Swelling Or Bump On The Side Of Tongue

The roller coaster of expectations

human beings, and more acting or feeling as a group, are very special. We are very easy to delude ourselves, to the point, what is new. Amplified further by the media who are in search of new and magnifying its importance, based on repeat as a great sounding media that feeds on itself. However, later this interest declines very sharply (more sharply as expectations rose faster) and even going the opposite extreme, consider that before the maximum value is worthless, to depression, which is the point negative perceptions. After time passes, and if that technology is useful moves into his post, you may not change history but now in a silent, comes to occupy an important part in our lives and our economy.

This type of behavior collective perception, particularly in environments of emerging technologies, leading to situations such as financial bubbles tend to burst into sharp decline after the peak stage of assessment. A base to see this again and again is developing a curve that is called in English " Gar tner Hype Cycle" and this week has again been picked up by numerous blogs (I found a new entry Dolors Reig in his blog shell, not to be missed ever) about the appearance of a report. Reference is made to a Trends 2009 report that puts all the services and new Internet and ICT on that curve Gartner.

reproduce here the curve 2009:

is interesting to see where they are now technologies and services we use. First we see that the highest expectations, the crest of the wave, the deal in this year: the cloud and ebooks. Issues such as the Twitter (microblogging) have begun a declining trend in interest, such as Green IT or telepresence. In the lowest place have fallen RFID radio tags public and virtual worlds of Second Life type . However, technologies and services as corporate microblogging the voice recognition technologies, location-based applications , the SOA , etc. are no longer cover in the press but are slowly taking their place in the everyday economy after having gone through the whole cycle, this roller coaster of collective perception, where up laughing with excitement and down screaming in panic.

Perhaps the ultimate interest is to look at those who are climbing the summit and will be the stars in a few months. Here we find the Internet TV, the 3D printing or augmented reality. Well, an excellent overview of the technology and the collective perception of it and, in short, a model to order everything, but not very useful for making accurate predictions, no stranger to criticism, if it has a lot of truth and experience of 26 years in the ICT sector has allowed me to witness many of these roller coasters.

I leave you with a video that explains in detail this important curve regarding the publication of a book published by Gartner: 'Mastering the Hype Cycle: How to Adopt the Right Innovation at the Right Time' by Gartner Analysts Jackie Fenn & Mark Raskino. Published by Harvard Business Press. / hypecycle ...

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Used Car Price Projection For 2011

As technologies to rely on our brains

blogs that I'm reviewing today I found these funny videos page Francisco Alcaide . Both show the extent to which our brain gives us the information it deems relevant to us and hide or does not take into consideration other. Essentially, our brain is a machine to stay alive and has evolved over many millions of years, and here we are, so it works fine, but accuracy did not ask. Our emotions, our focus, our prejudices, make you work very differently to a camera or a computer. We do not record what happens but we are interested in what happens. We have something with your own logic inside the head, they should know what to avoid malententendios. The wizards are well aware of their tricks are based on these "holes" of perception of our brain. Without them, life would be really boring.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

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I know why I could not find anything when I ordered everything very well

Next week I will be lucky to meet David Weinberger, co-author of the legendary Manifesto Cluetrain which this year celebrates 10 years now. The Manifesto is a book visionary who envisioned the consequences of some tools that allow two-way conversation, collaboration and contribution to the network. These three "C" are another way to define Web 2.0, a way, less used, but more descriptive. Just to tell us how did that show and how far we have advanced in their predictions we bring to one of the open debates Telefónica Foundation, within the series "Ten concepts that are changing the future " the next day October 14 at 12 h. For those who can not be relayed by Live Internet chat and then hang over our media library like all the previous pages.

The Manifesto is a widely cited book, and I suspect little read, and as it was something I feared all four authors condensed into 95 theses . Mainly concern the way in which companies have to change its relationship with customers and the reasons therefor. Everyone has their favorite theory but I will reflect here only three of mine. Of course the best known is the first:

Markets are conversations.

but here are my favorites:

7. Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy.

73. 're invited, but is our world. Take your shoes off at the door. If you want to trade with us, down off that camel

88. We worry about things more important than whether you will change in time to make business with us. The business is only part of our lives. Seems to be all yours. Think about it: who needs whom?

Well, on the way from airport to hotel and from there to the conference have time to talk to him about these issues, but really the matter I wrote this post was not for the Manifesto and the Web 2.0, but with one of his most recent books, one that explores the world of information glut, a world that literally buried in information. This book is "Everything is Miscellaneous . The Power of the Digital Disorder." Paradoxically, his thesis is that to combat and manage information overload, the solution is ... more information. This little video interview, again Infonomía guys, we can see Weinberger explaining these issues and I personally, I have finally entendido'por que'en very orderly environments I do not find things. Excessive waste order a lot of information .... not me, says Weinberger ... listen, listen

Monday, September 28, 2009

Australian Masterbation

soon not matter knowledge but the wisdom

This video , the always interesting Infonomía Friends (thank Alfons always), I remember have seen for some time (I think 2007), but had not paid attention I've paid now that I have found again by chance. Only the beginning and invites further: "the knowledge society is one in which knowledge is valuable but one in which this knowledge and accessible to everyone no longer has value, "it said by Hiroshi Tasaka with a wealth of reasoning, is a delight not to be missed. Another video to review several times. Enjoy

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Thrush In Butt For Woman

What we do in social networks? Counting

If you ever wondered what, mostly because you do not just convince social networks, has just published a study by Professor Jan Mikolaj Piskorski that is well reflected in this Gurusblog post (as I always put on the track a of tweet @ Yoriento , thank you) and you can find out many details, including why women are 2 / 3 of page views. I will not dump it because it is long and the post is well aware. Interesting, since this phenomenon is not a fad but to be incorporated into the daily lives of all citizens in a short time and it is interesting to see the first evidence of its use.

Since the data are around I would also like to refer to a study ENTER title identifying the characteristics of the Hispanic blogosphere. Him pick out some significant facts:

  • 46% of Hispanic authors of this blogosphere are English, 14% Mexican, 9% and 8% Argentina Chile.

  • The profile of the protagonists of the blogosphere has a strong bias: 73% male, 51% are young (20 to 30 years), 70% with university education and 76% over five years experience on the network.

  • Half of bloggers has more than 5 electronic devices (mobile, digital camera, mp3, laptop, webcam ...).

  • Almost all (85%) usually write from home, but 38% say being immersed in the blog while working.

  • 53% use Blogger, a Wordpress 17% and 12% MSN Spaces.

Perhaps most distressing is the latter statistic. Asked if the network had increased since they wrote, 46% said they knew of no new blogger and only 18% had attended an informal meeting of bloggers.

If you are interested in such data would also refer you to an earlier post this blog in which the focus is put on Twitter and statistics.

New data to better understand this world, their opinions, their bias and their interests, or ours for I too am in the pot. Waiting for more information, step by analog ... ................................ 3,2,1

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Pattern Making Bubble Hem

humor technologies

This entry is about the coincidence of two facts. The first is that we present our contest Tuesday 22 "ICT the club", the first contest monologues Telefónica Foundation technology. The aim is to give the opportunity to have the technology or the relationship with them in a fun, and the way to win a prize. For us it is the first time we use the power of humor to bring the public closer to the technologies or new services. The second element which is to see this announcement coincided Argentine with a touch of classic humor (husband cheated surprised his wife) introduces the basic functions of Facebook so nice. It shows me that we have chosen a right way and we have four months to go before amaze and amuse with the ingenuity of many ... I hope. I leave you with FaceBOOM .

Cruise Luggage Tags Universal

An update on changes needed in a pure state

Change both the classical world Did you know? we still are older every year. If you liked the previous (and I confess that I have used in many forms to create the atmosphere of change that we Vivendo), you have to do this, more focused on social networking as a phenomenon. Who can believe that after seeing this networks can be ignored and left out of them?

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

How Long After Ovidrel Will You Have Side Effects

When I think of creativity always think of this announcement. I always see the admiration of beauty, intellectual beauty. Something that was always there, a can, bottle, a sheet are converted into a whole universe, in the definition, the representation of the full range of human beings. Just an idea, no special effects or expensive productions, yet it is tremendously complex. This post Rachel Ferrari has reminded me just

game intelligence and visual symbols, images and signals. Creativity at its best. I always encouraged. And that accent is going well!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

15 Month Old Has 96.5 Temperature

Posadas Claudia presentation

aurea Lapis, Claudia Posadas:

A poetic fire in the heart of

Antonio Tenorio *

ever, Carlos Chávez, Mexican composer that landmark, to provide the Chair of Poetics at Harvard University, said in speaking of what he called the musical thought that the man becomes all things to understand; When man understands his mind expands and she fit in all things, when the artist understands, extending himself to reach new and unexplored regions, see more, is concentrated in itself and the beauty is a revelation.

view a job as Claudia Posadas which he shares with his board Lapis aurea, I should say in correspondence to the author's poetic thinking is under make the call on the instrument with which and upon which traces a journey in which the purpose and principle are revealed, and we are revealed, as particles a light imprisoned ambiguous germ dream. How release, asks Posadas, if perhaps not through the Heraclitean stay that transforms everything and all weather shelters. Stay, Posadas said, "stay, then, / taken by a mystery that we infringe / like a candle pierced by a fire devouring his heart."

Thus, on the underside of the fabric of the world, Claudia Posadas weaves the fabric of their own evolution is the evolution of the poetic voice becomes, at a time, and instrument area, beginning and end, moving that shuns a comfortable and easy to grasp the alleged consistency and completeness text. The poet, however, delves into the depths of what, in his words, "it must be said," to shake and call from there to the collusion of signifiers and telluric overlapping meanings.

There is honesty, of course, and stripping, too. But it is, this case, a stripping that game paradoxes, remove to return, spares to fill, darkens to light. Game, because writing should not ever stop being said without saying Claudia Posadas, scholarly reading of the traces that have unequivocally that the same inventor of gramatta the letters, it was gambling, yes, the same Hermes expands understanding the world through the un-understandable symbolic. That script, in the words of Borges to talk about Kabbalah, seeks to portray itself as the encryption face a language before language itself.

"At the moment the reference image, the concept, idea, language structures, the signifier is not sufficient or not to express these forces, I am interested to find other solutions," says Guest to talk about his Poértica -. I do not speak of a so-called 'experimental per se, or impromptu games merely verbal, but a branch that arises when requested by the poem and language, an absolute necessity because of a crisis. Is an endpoint that is reached after a journey, and therefore has a meaning consistent with his way. This is the mouth of a verbal draft drawn on the tension, "says the author of Lapis aurea.

In such a way that the reader, that Other is the one when reading, that is, becomes in the words of the voice that is internalized and appropriated the same, the reader will see how the poet strips him to enter, or rather, to let delve in this universe of multiple references and verbal mouths Posadas girder will re-visions and views expressed in a language capable of not fearing their own limits.

that extent, if I may say so, to call the recall measure the immeasurable, is to affirm that Lapis aurea strips yet fulfilling, while relentlessly all de-asserts it, even what I say, anxious not to lose the cautious, timid and I have traditional reader, naive and handles to find the reason that rigorous impiety and skillfully all the illusory transubstantiate poet in significant lucid glimpses of brightness and cracks through which emerge revealing the strength of his words and voice.

has established correctly in my view, the poet Victor Manuel Mendiola, in the Mexican poets born between 1962 and 1970, and Claudia Posadas is one of the most prominent representatives of this generation, "continues the development a clever poetry does not scorn the meaning or the music or the world with all its attractions, banalities and wealth ... They are poets for whom the fund is not only contrary to the form, but in both terms together in an indissoluble unity. "

For Claudia Posadas that poetry is more than the look, of an inside that crosses herself and goes to the heart, elusive and mobile scepter of all existence as a mystery, as light and reluctantly crouched . The pen that writes the Lapis aurea is also why language, chisel, brush. Origin is continuing to talk about the other, the reader, point in the journey of the writer, he has read. Lapis which is, in turn, stoned , white tile, stone to go to the origin and final (only apparent) stone of the word and substance which falls and falls that which resists the target, which is the beginning of time: the substance of the dust.

Why should we accept our defeat / and live drowned the world, called to ask the voice in Posadas Claudia voltage, why it is fair to say after his Lapis aurea is who has ventured into reading becomes part of a revealing and transforming vision of life. Why, if the word is there like a light, like a fire eats whose heart is not the time.

* AT is the narrator and essayist. He has served as an academic from different universities, and serves since 2005 as Mexico's cultural attaché in Chile. His most recent book is the novel The permanent state of things , published by Mondadori.