Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Marg Helgenberger Cameltoe

Decade of Action for Road Safety FIAT

The "Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020" will open on May 11 by the General Assembly of the United Nations.
aims to urge governments to impose realistic goals of reducing deaths and injuries in road accidents, and thus commit themselves to actions to achieve them.

In our country, the Fight for Life Association has adhered to this proclamation and committed to working hard for that purpose, besides continuing with his actions, foster the commitment of authorities and society on four key areas to reduce road deaths:

• Use of helmet .
• Use of seat belts and child restraints.
• None of alcohol while driving.
• Speed \u200b\u200bLimits.

also push for a draft amendment to the Criminal Code to incorporate crimes against road safety.

As immediate action, intends to make:

• mass awareness campaign on radio, tv and movies, to the use of helmets, "You that You have Brain, Use it ".
• National Training Workshop on Road Safety and Education "World Decade Plan of Action for Road Safety" (23 and 24 June).
• Invitation to all the authorities of our country, to enforce traffic laws, especially the use Hull.
• driver education free workshops in primary schools in Buenos Aires and surrounding areas.
• Distribution of newsletters, brochures and posters.

addition, Fight for Life has invited all media to participate intensifying its efforts to promote road safety in everything at your fingertips.

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Reveals Details of New Ducato range

been three decades since that Fiat of Italy introduced first generating Ducato, and since then the utility has enjoyed an overwhelming response from users, providing interest earnings to company. Recently, Fiat decided to show a preview of what will be the new Ducato range 2012.

Cosmetic changes are few, and most notable interior enhancements, which have new upholstery, Blue & Me Nav system and a new instrument panel.

Under the hood, the future range Ducato Multijet incorporate technology to optimize fuel consumption. The top-of-the-line engine will be able to dispense 3.0 L 177 HP and 400 Nm of torque. If this is too much, you can opt for a 2.3 L with 130 HP and 320 Nm of torque, engine technology include Start / Stop.

If fuel consumption is a major concern, there will be a 2.0 L 4-cylinder engine that delivers 115 HP with a torque of 280 Nm. There is a significant jump between the motor and the "Top", but its virtue is reflected in the consumption figures: 6.4 liters per 100 km.

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DODGE RAM 2012 Long-Hauler Concept

Technically, Ram is the Chrysler Group brand dedicated to the transport category. Recently, we have released the first official pictures and technical details of Long-Hauler Ram Concept, a proposal from pick-up and truck, fifth wheel included.

Based on the Class 5 Ram 5500 Chassis Cab, measured 197.4-inch wheelbase, length exceeding that of many medium-sized luxury car market American.

obviously designed to work, your users will appreciate the 800 lb / ft of torque developed by the impressive monstrous Cummins Turbo Diesel Engine 6 , 7 L and 6-cylinder line that equips the Ram Long-Hauler.

As part of its scale, the new product has three fuel tanks with a total capacity of 170 gallons, the average level drivers can obtain a range of about 1,600 miles between charges.

The figures presented are truly amazing, and Ram is taking its Long-Hauler Concept on a U.S. tour, if all goes as expected the American terminal, this building-mix pick- truck up and may soon reach the production stage.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Install New Floor 16 Aluminum Boat

Cavallino Attack: Range Expands

Attack is a line designed in response to the demands of a large segment of Argentine carriers: both as the Cavallino EuroCargo represent the technology used to develop truck rugged, reliable and tailored to the geographic and economic conditions in the country.

Produced in Córdoba, the Cavallino Attack is a derivative of the median range of Iveco trucks, with low tare weight and heavy truck mechanic. 7 versions will be available, including tractor and rigid cabin and 3 bedroom short wheelbase options. The engine is the Iveco Cursor 8 7790 cm 3 displacement, 320 hp and 1,200 Nm, mated to a ZF gearbox fully 16 gears synchronized forward and 2 reverse gear.

During the presentation of the new product, the President of Iveco Argentina & Latin America Importers' Markets, Natale Rigano, said "Attack is a philosophy that reflects the push that thousands of small and medium transport companies give Argentina's economy. With the addition of Cavallino Attack continue to expand our product range, this time with a truck that has a higher load capacity and allows panning in middle and long distance, to the Argentine custom . "

Pork Sausages, Crosswords

MovimientoE3. Reflections after a day of intense emotionally

I just came to walk a few miles to metabolize all the intellectual and emotional stress these days. Yesterday we had one of the most intense Days I remember in my professional life, we had the first face with over 300 teachers who had signed up to MovimientoE3 and its promoters: Fundación Telefónica and Infonomía . There are many personal and professional lessons are drawn from a "moment of truth" like this where you come face to face with people who have thrown a challenge and has taken a step forward, they said yes and have even traveled many miles and booked a full Saturday of his life for this meeting. I would like to reflect on these lessons here in the quiet of my blog.

First I would like to reflect on what is a challenge, a challenge is somewhat softer than a project. In a project you have almost all the answers for sure until you've had to make a detailed plan (business) to convince others. Still a challenge only a goal and a method and these open to what you hope will happen that is important. The challenge, "Let's change the education from the entrepreneur's methodology is open enough to not have all the answers to what will happen and you have to be honest. When Kennedy on May 25 1961, launched the challenge that the U.S. put a man on the moon again and return to Earth safely, launched a major technological challenge to his country. This challenge started to get many mechanisms, including many resources for NASA, but at that moment in 1961 could not even knowing how, or had answers to all questions. JFK just launched a challenge, released a great force. This is a movement. The important thing is to clarify what they want to achieve and with whom. I yesterday's event MovimientoE3 not have all the answers to questions that were raised but I was convinced everyone in the team we are very convinced of who do it and that forces must be freed.

I speak now of those forces. The MovimientoE3 has a basic belief. Nothing is changed from within, and less when the bus they could do better (the teachers) have or have had so far, so little influence on decisions that have to do with education. But as Alfons Cornella has shown us many times since his research in Infonomía, this happens in all sectors. A few years ago I worked in Telefónica Móviles Movistar what is now, and suddenly, someone from outside the mobile world, was not mobile manufacturer or operator submitted a product that turned the market and made more the consumption data and the Internet from mobile marketing campaigns all we had done in the past 5 years. Apple introduced the iPhone and with it the touch screen smartphone and the world was different. The mobile advertising before the camera was fixed on the mobile or capacity, now centered on their access to social networks. That was the case with advertising, someone from outside revolutionized the world of advertising in its online version, Google with Adworks redefined how things were going to do in online advertising. Could tell similar stories of Amazon, eBay, etc. This sums it Jorge Juan Fernandez in his book "The rules "highly recommended of reading, when establishing what she calls" the law of tangents that make the circle. " From the periphery, based on tangents is configured as the cycle of innovation, not from the center. This seems to be a rule in all fields and do not see why not going to be in Education.

This law does not mean that this innovation should not be people who know about this issue, by contrast, could not have made people who knew iPhone without mobile telephone advertising or Google Books or Amazon. No one can make a change without education experts and those are the teachers and educators. What the law says is that innovations Education that change will not come everyday. On a day to day, with new practices, new tools will see improvements but no radical change to the way it is taught or learned. This is what is proposed MovimientoE3 teachers, looking out towards the periphery, to other solutions and other sectors. This is the idea, the challenge of Alfons Cornella Educared that since the draft Education Telefónica Foundation and now I have a lot to handle, said yes, that would support it and that would make it one of our main focuses of work this year. This also said that if more than 1200 teachers in more than 100,000 to which we turn directly and more than 50,000 who consider that they heard on the gold channels. So yesterday in Madrid was so important because it was the physical conjunction of one third of these teachers, people who were behind the project and more detailed explanation of the challenge.

This leads me the next point, to direct. It is very difficult to deal with an audience of 300 people, very smart and strong critical thinking, with so much experience and have already seen many programs and I suppose that many disappointments. I remembered that 10 years ago when I did a little Master of 6 months at IESE on companies and their dynamics, a good teacher of the subject of "conduct human organization "always told us to form a team must always have smart people with a positive attitude. With that you ensure two things, good it was that you could do what you wanted, you could propose you any challenge and I would get and bad and is going to have a life more uncomfortable if you people rodeabas obedient but not very active and critical. The auditorium was so uncomfortable from that point of view, but it could get any challenge. I used a word I think but that is not "politically correct" is that they were an "elite attitude," Actually what I meant is that there is so easy to find people in any professional group to which he sets a challenge and say "go, here I am" without a lot of data. This is a special minority, an elite, in the sense that JA Marina told us that in our society should be no "democracy on the opportunities and aristocracy of merit." We are all equal and should be in the opportunities, we invite everyone, but we are not all equal in attitudes or knowledge. I take back my words if it is correct but not what I meant by it. Another

emotional experience yesterday was to try to communicate something to an audience in which all are communicators. An audience People whose daily work is to communicate to teach an audience of experts. That makes it doubly difficult task, especially for me that just a couple of years I spent more strongly to public events.

The other were the expectations. In recent weeks both Infonomía like us when we were preparing this event, and Barcelona next week, we had a high expectation, based on seeing if we could correctly convey all that we thought essential and valuable project. Each of the attendees brought their own, people were very excited to start and people waiting to be convinced and hoped others might see that they were right and not worth it. With all that we had and as with any project we know that every "moment of truth", each time to do something specific: event attendance, first scan, the first educational project design has its own natural loss of participants. If we get it wrong and this loss is very large the project will fail and if it maintains the illusion of several hundred participants, the resulting entity will create the impact we hope to bring about change. Other

reflection related to the protagonists of this project. Such projects require the collaboration of several parts each of which contributes something and receives something essential to change. Let's review each of the three participants: Infonomía, participating teachers and Fundación Telefónica. This helps me understand the dynamics of the project.

Infonomía is a large network of innovators, a place of analysis for decades, the reality of the changes throughout the world, which has led him to create a vision of how things change and how to apply innovation and the methodologies used by those who change the world for entrepreneurs. Alfons Corenlla its creator is one of the world's leading experts in innovation. Infonomía need resources to bring that vision into practice and an area where focus. In this way she met us, Telefónica Foundation Educared convinced us that it was possible and thus launched the MovimientoE3. Another essential part

are MovimientoE3 participants, mostly teachers and responded yes to the challenge "You want to change education." They have the most knowledge as a group on education, its shortcomings and its options, but not usually influence change, so many that have not teneido a voice. Social networks now allow them to once oprimera greater impact as a group. They are the key to this challenge. It is clear that they move two types of motivations, which are called intrinsic and transcendent. Looking back briefly on motivations, there is a classification that divides them into three types: extrinsic (external), intrinsic (internal) and transcendent. The former have to do with material rewards, the soil is the best example. In this project there is no such compensation, no money for participants, there are no credits or anything linked directly or indirectly some material. Rather the reverse participants are asked a personal effort in time to conduct exploration on the Internet and to develop a project and up to learn the operation of the platform where all this work will take place. All who came to the event yesterday paid their travel and accommodation if it was accurate. Is Clearly this is not his motivation to be at E3. Intrinsic Motivation

if that is in the MovimientoE3 and abundance. These are the ones that have to do with professionalism, with offsets that affect your interior, to how you feel. Collaborate on a project, learn from Alfons Cornella, exploration work to make the rest of participants of what is learned on the road and especially in the process of creating a project, it is seen by the rest, subjected to comments and assessment of your peers. All this goes to the professional growth and that if we give the MovimientoE3. We believe this is the great value that will draw teachers to be active in this project. But that can not be all or MovimientoE3 not differ from other proposals, including some that already have their own networks of teachers. We must go to the transcendent motivations to fully understand the motivation of a participant.

is one important motivation that drives you to do something for the greater good, which affects others, the whole society. MovimientoE3 the challenge of appealing to extrinsic motivation is associated with the generosity of human beings. "You want to change education?". This is a call for the good of many people, future generations. So the audience yesterday, which will be in Barcelona and could not come but they said yes to this challenge are people who love their profession and want to grow in it (m. intrinsic) and are generous (m. extrinsic). All this will cross each participant in that effort and commitment will take the balance will get your decision to proceed or not.

Finally, the third participant is Fundación Telefónica, in particular its Educared project. A Foundation receives money each year in its budget so that their managers do performances according to the objectives of the Foundation and they have nothing to do with the business objectives of the company that promotes the Foundation, which is usually a social purpose and concrete. So, just like when you go to a CaixaForum exposure or Social Work or the Foundation Mapfre CajaMadrid, etc, etc. One does not think that insurance company is, or that bank or savings bank, or hope that this activity appears to have nothing to do with that. All you have are registered. The same happens with our projects. Fundación Telefónica has one, Proniño, to combat child labor through education with more than 211,000 children benefited in Latin America, another project of knowledge, publication of books on analysis of the impact of technology in social evolution another about art and technology, one on youth and volunteerism and Educared, an educational program more than a decade of experience, and aiming to improve education, especially using new technologies.

Educared for over 10 years doing projects around education, more or less impact, but they all felt it was done with professional education environment. However, we all know that costs the same in effort and resources to do a good project that a bad project, so our job is to find good projects, projects that will bring something and make sense of this expenditure of resources. Sometimes it comes out well and sometimes bad, but what sometimes happens is that touches you "fat." Find a project that makes sense, with an ally you admire and trust (Infonomía and Alfons) and involving international analysis who all believe are the key to transforming education in a country, the teachers. When that happens, when you have a project at hand, a project like MovimientoE3 at that time not only put the resources there have given you to handle, put your passion and your computer. And that is for us MovimientoE3, a project where we put our passion and to which we are, therefore, more vulnerable because we put more of ourselves.

This leads me to one last point, very personal and emotional criticism. Manages each critical as may, depending on what you are accustomed to public scrutiny. I acknowledge that I'm still little and have a significant emotional effect on me. However, despite this imbalance that I produce, so if that is the critical distinction in two groups: those that come from commitment and those coming from outside. If I read a review from someone who was yesterday in Madrid followed by being part of MovimientoE3 streaming gives me information. Can you tell me who misunderstood something and failed to engage with the challenge and I analyze it as something we did wrong, something we have to improve or to think better because someone who is committed, which gave confidence to the project has no emotional been convinced in the rational. These criticisms do to improve the project, thank you and ask those who make them wait to the impact of the same, the changes that occur in our conception of the project.

Then there are the criticisms from the periphery, outside the commitment of those who did not join the E3 step, that of those who were not yesterday or feel involved. I read them sometimes and sometimes not, but I sincerely believe, as I once read, it's just a "say" more and opinions are like noses, everyone has one, neither more nor less. Sometimes they are critical from distrust or direct criticism from preconceptions, from prejudice. These do not provide nothing, not interest me.

In everything I've read these days I found the two types of people you meet in any profession and the community. People who have a solution to every problem and other people who have always a problem for every solution, this is so and can only accept it and have wisdom to be identified. Some people are like alchemists with a philosopher's stone and are able to convert any material into gold, at the time (many were sitting in the courtroom yesterday), and other alchemists who have the stone with the opposing powers that converts any gold nugget find any opportunity for small, lead

In short, after a day so intense emotionally and intellectually needed this much thought, think and feel that the perspective MovimientoE3 project remains a lot of sense, which can trigger other forces that allow your target, change the education or support this, with the strength of all these teachers.

This is a challenge, as I imagine the adventurers in the nineteenth century penetrated into a jungle. All they knew is that they could discover something important, but all I could do to find out is to take a first step, have faith and get into a jungle where they did not know what to expect. Such advice is often given in the venture, and the three questions I advise you to make a participant MovimientoE3 if you want to live this adventure are:
why not?
why not me?
why not now

Saturday, May 7, 2011

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IVECO SCANIA handed the award for Best Truck Driver

Upon delivery to Guillermo Hernán Suárez del Volkswagen Gol 0 miles at the dealership EAFRD Puerto Madryn, Alejandro Pazos, Manager Marketing and Communications at Scania Argentina, said: "We are delighted to be presenting the award to the winner of the contest, and we're not only rewarding the winner of the 2010, but we are crowning a driver who seeks to improve management skills , safety and create a sustainable transport network and friendly environment. "

The winner, born in Trelew, was crowned the Best Truck Driver in Argentina 2010 by Scania event throughout the year. Aike Sur SRL, the leading company, received a check for $ S 10,000, you can apply to the purchase of spare parts or as advance payment for the purchase of a new unit.

Between June and November 2010, Scania Argentina carried out the third edition of the competition which brought together more than 3,300 drivers around the country, regardless of the brand of vehicle leading, and that, as pointed out by Alejandro Pazos, aims to improve driving skills, safety, and create a network of sustainable transport and environmentally friendly.

The contest was divided into 3 stages: the first consisting of a desk review, which became the best practices of the second stage, these regional trials were conducted in different cities of the country , then move-in stage three, "to the national final to Guillermo Suárez consecrated as the Best Driver of Car Argentina 2010.

The Swedish company is now organizing next year's competition driving heavy transport developed by Scania largest worldwide, will be the fourth in Argentina.

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Argentina 2010 MERCEDES-BENZ Argentina and the program "Today x Ti"

The domestic auto finalized its financial support to the Scholarship Program Today x Ti " Bridges Group - belonging to the Civil Partnership Group Travelling to allow two young men from the School of Technical Education Foundation Fangio to access the university level.

Since 1962 the School is considered one of the higher educational institutions nationwide, one of the few private schools in the country and factory only free.

Since 2005, the School is managed by the Motorsports Museum Foundation Juan Manuel Fangio, Mercedes-Benz and provides the economic and logistical resources for operation.

"Today x Ti" is a scholarship program for the integral formation of young people with financial difficulties and made vulnerable by facilitating their access to higher education, provides annual scholarships and professional mentoring custom. Student activities are complemented with other recreational / cultural workshops and various courses and job placement, among others.

distinguished IDB-UNESCO in 2009 to "Today x Ti" as one of the best practices for the youth of Latin America and the Caribbean. The Bridge Group is a non-profit organization created in 1996, which links those in need and those who have the means to remedy them, specializes in the design, administration and monitoring of social projects in education in different locations the country, and has correspondents in the U.S. and Chile.

With the addition of Mercedes-Benz to the "Today x Ti" , the company offers to graduates of the School Foundation the opportunity to continue Fangio their studies at university level, and thus become capable professionals to serve society with their knowledge.

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MITSUBISHI L200 3.2 CR Renews its Michelin Challenge Bibendum 2011

The automotive design touches made your pick-up L200-road diesel engine 165 hp 3.2 of: a front grille that highlights the most prominent, and a facelift of the light-alloy wheels 16 inches.

For its part, the cab of the automatic version shows a new steering wheel with audio controls and cruise-control.

The pick-up Mitsubishi L200 3.2 CR-made in Thailand, are sold throughout the network of official dealers of the brand in Argentina, in versions with manual and automatic transmission.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

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Berlin will host the 11th edition of the Michelin Challenge Bibendum, from 18 to 22 May. This international event, created in 1998 to find solutions to current problems and future passenger and cargo transport, has become a major global forums in which key players in the sector, motor vehicle manufacturers, auto parts, technical solution developers, energy suppliers and research institutes, meet with political leaders, economic and trainers opinion.

This year, the Challenge will address the treatment of three aspects of mobility, which will be the main discussion forums, exhibitions and conferences to be held:

• Mobility CLEAN
• Mobility SAFE
connected mobile

Created by Michelin in 1998 to celebrate the centenary its well-known icon, the Michelin man, "the Challenge Bibendum is aimed at discussing issues related to road transport, energy supply, emissions of greenhouse gases, road safety and urban pollution. The proposal is to analyze objective information on the latest technological advances, allowing the development of sustainable road mobility, cleaner, safer and more efficient.

In 2010 the Challenge Bibendum was held for the first time in South America: Rio de Janeiro was the venue, and the opening ceremony attended by the then President of Brazil, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. The event was attended by a record number of 3,000 people and over 600 journalists from around the world.

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BMB Mode Center

center is the first comprehensive amendments - MAN exclusive Latin America-founded almost 10 years to meet the growing demand for "custom solutions" where the required modifications are made for many different customers.

The plant military trucks mounted with double frame, transfer case and 4x4, both for the Brazilian Army to UN missions, they also become units for harvest, with directional axis and PTO; off-road vehicles with 8x4 traction and vertical leakage, low-floor buses with directional axis, lengthening the chassis for trucks for the transport of beverages third axle assembly, latch plate and accessories, among others.

Vitor Diehl, Manager of BMB Mode Center, he said: " For reasons of expediency, optimizing production time, MAN vehicles Latin America sent here for final configuration ."

in BMB and some 90,000 units were adapted and is expected to reach 107,000 by the end of 2011. All processes are audited, responding to the quality certification ISO 9001/2000. The units delivered have MAN Warranty Latin America.

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IVECO Technical Talks: Euro V Standards ISO 17025 Certification

IVECO-FPT collaboration with Industrial-launched a series of talks Techniques, to contact Industrial Fiat specialists with media to disseminate to technical issues that currently prevail. Industrial FPT is the company responsible for Fiat SpA Industrial development, manufacture and sale propulsion systems of commercial vehicles and marine applications and power generation.

Francisco Spasaro, Product Marketing Manager of Iveco Argentina, said on the occasion: "The purpose of this meeting is to share information with the press on certain issues which exist within the industry, update on issues techniques. We want to be the first to bring the media useful information on topics that will be discussed regularly in the coming months. "

In this issue opening, addressed the adaptations to meet the requirements of the Euro V standard, aimed at developing cleaner engines and fully framed in the requirements of the new legislation. Under Argentine law, from 2012 the new approvals must satisfy the Pollutant Standard Euro V, and since 2014 all diesel-powered commercial vehicles sold in the country have to comply with this legislation.

To this end, the resources committed in FPT engines can be divided into
• Motor Configuration
• Post-treatment of gases

engine modifications are intended, in addition to meeting legislative requirements, reduce and optimize the use of fuel. For this purpose, p. eg., nozzles with pressures from 1,600 to 2,200 bar, and turbo VGT (Variable Geometry) and Stage Two (Two Cycles). Simultaneously, the combustion chambers were redesigned.

With these new configurations, optimizing the combustion generating a specific output increased from 15 to 20%. Further processing of gases is the most important in the adaptation of engines to the new requirements. FPT takes two types of technology as a product category: EGR (DPF + DOC) light engine and SCR for medium and heavy duty engines.

• EGR (Exhaust Gas Recirculation)
• DOC (Diesel Oxidation Catalyst)
• DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter)

In the case of lightweight Iveco-Daily-were adopted on EGR, DOC and DPF. The EGR recycles exhaust gases by recirculation at the inlet to decrease the temperature in the combustion chamber, thus reducing the formation of NOx (oxides of nitrogen). The DOC promotes the oxidation of gaseous pollutants, while the DPF absorbing particles, mainly of carbon.

For medium and heavy engines, Iveco chose SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) technology, prepared to meet even the Euro VI. Its purpose is to reduce NOx through a reaction solution of urea / water (arNOX 32) of the exhaust gas for nitrogen and water. The adoption of SCR require arNOX supply network 32, which will own warehouse next to the engines.

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In Brazil, the Laboratory for Testing and Approval of Iochpe-Maxion Wheels and Chassis Division, became the first laboratory test of heavy wheels to receive ISO 17025 certification.

Thus, the Laboratory, one of the most modern in the world happens to have their tests accredited by the Brazilian Network of Testing Laboratories.

currently on the world market, the ISO 17025 is the most important test labs, and these certifications only have recognition accrediting agencies worldwide when the country also signed in this case, INMETRO Brazil.

Maxion is proud to obtain this certification, proof of its continued commitment to the qualitative development processes, products and services.

Monday, May 2, 2011

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Crowdfunding and NGOs. ISF experience in Lansana Adsis ApD and

now two months ago from Engineers Without Borders ApD and from the Foundation Adsis guinea pig we offered to launch a crowdfunding experience (funding by mass) of the labor Hazloposible and Lansana.

We offered to present a project, and an economic objective which was between 2,000 and 3,000 euros. Two days ago we achieve the objective, and now James Albaigès asks me to tell what has been the experience. ISF ApD

From the presented as a project to build three water points in Tanzania , for which we recorded a two-minute video the program manager.

features of the proposal were, therefore:
  • Goal: $ 3,000
  • Term: 2 months
  • Maximum donation of one person: $ 1,000
  • Condition: if there is no the goal, not running
  • Payment: paypal and the past two weeks, and you can pay by credit card


To achieve maximum dissemination of the project and make donations and has been helpful messages released through their profiles on twitter or facebook several people linked to Hazloposible addition to their own institutional profiles and people linked to ISF ApD with presence in social networks.

This sounds obvious, it is also important to note that for the dissemination of such experiences is critical that the organization already has a constant presence in social networks.

Who were the donors?

As some of the donors used pseudonyms, we find it difficult to know exactly where they came from many of the 78 donors , but rough estimates between 60% and 70% are people connected to ISF ApD as members or volunteers. Rating

The goal was ambitious. In organizations where the social base is not familiar with new technologies, social networks, etc, it is difficult to spread these projects. ISF ApD
In two thirds of the objective (2,000 of 3,000 euros) and 950 euros that came directly from a grant channeled through Lansana.

The fact that from Lansana put a cap on individual donations is that the goal is to many small donations rather than few large ones. Anyway, if you need some money for the purpose, it is normal for the person / entity promoting the project put what is needed to keep the donations made so far. And it was what we did in ISF ApD.

The fact that the principle could only pay with paypal was a brake, as there were many who did not fully understand the PayPal system (despite being one of the most popular online payment). Fortunately, you can pay by credit card.

still do not know the most common amounts of all donations, although the data that we should be around 20-25 euros .

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Shirt And Tie Blue And Gold


We invite you to view the Digital Edition of our magazine (CLICK HERE)


Thursday, April 28, 2011

How To Run A Drain Outside For Washing Machine

Digital Edition Argentina-BENZ BOSCH

In September, Mercedes-Benz Argentina will celebrate 60 years of continuous presence in the country, and to start the celebrations launched the" Every Mercedes-Benz puts in up a history. "

Participation is open to all interested in telling a story related to the brand. It is not necessary have driven a car, truck or Mercedes-Benz Sprinter to participate, anyone who has ever traveled in a Mercedes-Benz can. Who has not ever gone to a collective or long-distance bus?

"The story that has traveled the country. That story coming out in every roast. That tradition is still intact. Or that history is about to start. "
Any situation applies to part of the campaign, and any moment by a Mercedes-Benz sets up a story. Mercedes-Benz Argentina invited to tell it and leave a mark on the pages of the Company.

A jury will select the 60 best stories will form part of the Anniversary Book; also among the winners will be drawn for a trip to Germany for 2 people. The deadline for submitting the reports due on May 31 and may be accompanied by an illustrative image.

Participation is via the web, go to:
There are the terms and conditions of the campaign. For more information, please call tel.: 0800-66-Mbenza (62,369).

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Celebrate Start: Technology for Safer Vehicles Sinotruk

To optimize the safety of persons, Bosch, a leader in technological innovation for automotive industry, continues to develop products such as sensors mounted on the side panels of vehicles, which determine the strength and direction of impact more quickly.

also developed intelligent systems that provide information such as weight and position of the driver and passenger. Thus, s i occupants are not very heavy or are leaning forward, the airbag release mechanism or trigger is inhibited gradually to reduce the risk of injury. At the same time, it can incorporate additional features to prevent pedestrian accidents, as-p. eg .- the automatic lifting of the bonnet in a collision.

About 80% of new vehicles manufactured worldwide are equipped with an airbag at least . Such is its importance that in 2009 the governments of Argentina and Brazil arranged for 2014, mandatory installation of various safety features in vehicles 0 km traded in their markets: dual front airbags for driver and front passenger, and system anti-lock brakes (ABS).

Bosch has already produced over 111 million units control on three continents: considering the specific needs of the vehicle market in China, India and Mercosur (with predominantly low-cost vehicles), the Company introduced a light version of airbag control unit, which with a lower cost but without sacrificing reliability, allows passive safety systems are available to all types of vehicles.

Since the beginning of the serial production of airbags, 31 years ago, specialists of the Bosch Group has consistently worked to improve them. Thanks to the strong commitment and investment that Held annually in research and development (more than 4,000 million Euros in 2010), it was possible to reduce by 70% the size and weight of the control units.

In case of accident, fire control modules passive safety devices like airbags and safety belt pretensioners, reducing the risk of injury to vehicle occupants.
The airbag 10, the current generation of this product Bosch, went into production in 2008.

Fernando Diaz, Manager Original Equipment Sales Division Robert Bosch Argentina, said: "It has been found in different countries that the introduction of airbags in vehicles is able to reduce by half the number of deaths in traffic accidents. "

When the airbag control units to join with the systems and sensors that provide assistance to the driver and the vehicle communication will be possible to introduce further security features: an example is the Secondary Collision Mitigation, which connects the airbag system with electronic stability program ESP ®. If the sensors detect an impact crash, the ESP ® brakes automatically to slow the vehicle, reducing its kinetic energy and minimizing the force of a possible second collision.

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MAN GROUP will produce the SITRAK

In the Auto Shanghai 2011 Motor Show, Chunjie Ma, chairman of the Supervisory Board of Sinotruk, and Georg-Reyhofen Pachta, CEO of MAN, unveiled the new co-branded trucks to China and other growth markets in Africa , Asia, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) and Middle East: "SITRAK."

The new brand of trucks will be marketed under the brand SHANDEKA in the domestic market of China, where sales are made through Sinotruk, export markets will be served by the sales of MAN networks and Sinotruk. Both companies expect to reach annual sales to 200,000 trucks in 2018.

The first product will be the new co-branded SITRAK T7H, which combines heavy truck components and technology Sinotruk MAN. T7H production should begin in December 2011 in Jinan, China.

Sinotruk and MAN are linked by a long history of working together: MAN became a member of the Heavy Duty Truck Corporation-current-Sinotruk in 1983, for fabricaciónn and licensing of trucks Steyr. The companies cooperate at two levels of capital investment and technology transfer and management experience. In 2009, MAN 560 million euros invested in Sinotruk, and has direct participation of 25% and more action in the Chinese manufacturer.

"Quickly, Sinotruk and developed a brand new MAN truck, presented together in the Shanghai Auto Show. This day is a milestone because the SITRAK Sinotruk allow us to offer our customers a Chinese truck technology " , said during the launch Chunjie Ma

For his part, Georg-Reyhofen Pachta said: "With the SITRAK, we are adding a key element in our strategy. This heavy-duty truck made in China is a perfect complement to the portfolio of products and brands MAN. Thanks to the excellent collaboration with Sinotruk, today we take an important step in the global expansion of MAN. "

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FIAT: Invest U.S. $ 100 million in the Production of Agricultural Machinery

Case New Holland (CNH), a division of Fiat Group and a world leader in the industry will begin to manufacture combine harvesters, tractors and engines in Córdoba. Maybe I informed the President of Argentina Cristina Fernández by the President of Industrial Fiat, Sergio Marchionne, and Cristiano Rattazzi, president of the local subsidiary of Fiat. "Argentina will become a center of excellence for the Latin American production of these product lines" , said Marchionne.

production tractors will begin on a Iveco reconditioned plant, and simultaneously start construction of a new plant of 78,000 square meters designed to manufacture tractors and harvesters. In addition, production will expand FTP engine (Fiat Powertrain Technologies) to supply-demand in principle in crops.

Christian Lancestremere, commercial director of CNH, predicted that production capacity will be installed up to 4,000 tractors and 2,000 harvesters annually. "We should be in it at the end of 2012. The focus will be to supply the domestic market and export, "said .
Making a New Holland tractor model 80 HP for regional economies, for application in agriculture. As for harvesting equipment will thrust 450 HP, under the Case and New Holland.

40% of the production will go to the domestic market and 60% will be exported mainly to countries in Latin America. As entrepreneurs, the investment will create 600 direct jobs and another 1,500 indirectly. In addition, seek to strengthen the development of local suppliers parts.

Debora Giorgi, head of the ministry of Industry, attended the meeting along with his pair of Economics, Amado Boudou, said the Fiat Group's investment "responds to our demand that manufacturers double the national agricultural machinery production in 2011, to rebalance the sector's trade balance, just as you are working with the automotive industry. "