Saturday, April 23, 2011

Color Hose Wear Black Skirt

A curious analogy between the universe and the Red

Today books and Saint George was running the excellent book by Jorge Juan Fernandez "Rules of the Game" presented this month at the Circulo de Bellas Artes (see video presentation) and found a curious reflection, a rule of thumb on the Internet attributed to Will Hill and Jakob Nielsen, the rule of 09/01/1990. This rule says that in most online communities, 90% users are what is called " lurkers," people who read and watch but do not contribute to the discussion, because they do not need or do not see the advantage of becoming "visible" versus gain knowledge from their anonymity . While the remaining 9% of users contribute from time to time and 1% are the most active developers, the promoters, the "stars" of the network, in other words that 10% (9% +1%) is visible and 90% is invisible, but there is, but can only be inferred indirectly. The universe is part of the network, but it is not obvious and there is hope that eventually begins to join as an active member.

In an immediate, This reflection led me to the concept of associatively "dark matter" and "dark energy" used in astrophysics and is as disturbing as the lurkers. What science says is that we observe only 10% of existing subject matter, the rest is detected only by the gravitational effects it produces but does not emit any electromagnetic radiation at any wavelength (in our analogy, or says or writes) . For example, many galaxies rotate faster than the visible mass would predict and estimate and this difference is attributed to dark matter. As in the case of the lurkers, there is only an indirect way of detecting this matter.

is a mere analogy, I agree, but that shows how the "stars" visible, what we read, we write, is only a tiny fraction of what exists and what effect the Internet has on society, as planets, stars, nebulae are only a small part of what exists in the universe. That 90% of dark energy and matter in the Universe is the ultimate explanation of their structure after the Big Bang and the Network that 90% of lurkers is an explanation of the enormous impact the Internet has on the views of society despite minority of active users. At the same time, these lurkers are detected by the meter readers of blogs or Twitter followers and their number, their existence gravitation is accelerated and encouraged to follow many bloggers and Twitterers. The silent lurkers configured in the structure and dynamics of the network

And here the analogy. Maybe it's just a coincidence but it was a good topic to reactivate my very active blog. The moral is that "what we see may be even more important than what we see," or what we see is not all reality, perhaps even if only a very small part of society, which has long been called in sociology: the silent majority, manifested in the elections or in the great collective events of high emotional content. I hope you have enjoyed.


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