Thursday, April 14, 2011

How To Make Retaining Wall Blocks

ADEFA and AMIA signed a Joint Communique

Under Multisectoral Trade Mission of the Government, the presidents of the Association Mexican Automotive Industry (AMIA), Eduardo J. Solis, and the Association of Automotive (ADEFA) of Argentina, AnĂ­bal Borderes, signed in Mexico City a joint statement.

That document states:

• Satisfaction with the results showed the implementation of bilateral automotive agreement signed in 2002 within the framework of the ACE 55 (Economic Complementation Agreement between MERCOSUR and the United Mexican States - Automotive Sector), both commercial and productive impact.
• In the period 2002 / 2010, the bilateral trade in the sector amounted to over 7,500 million dollars.
• The strategic nature of this growing bilateral relationship.
• Your concern about the imposition of measures that would restrict bilateral trade in the automotive sector.
• Your interest in further deepening the bilateral agreement in force.

ADEFA President Anibal Borderes, said:

• Mexico is the second largest export destination in the automotive industry in Argentina, and throughout the eight years of the bilateral arrangement, a surplus of U $ S 2,000 million for our country.
• The automotive sector represents 41% of the total bilateral trade between both countries.
• Membership and initiation of the agreement in 2002 was a key contributing factor to sustain production and employment in the sector, when Argentina began to emerge from one of the most severe economic crisis in its history.
• Over the past decade and even now, the bilateral agreement generated and still generates a positive impact in terms of investment, employment and increased production.


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