Friday, April 8, 2011

Is Yellow Brown Pus In Conch Piercing

International Motor Claims and Casualties in Road Mortality

To March recorded this year compared to March-2010 - reductions in accident rates (-25.9%) and mortality (-10.3%). It is possible to compare the evolution of the main indicators in the first quarter 2011 and the same period of 2010 and evaluate the respective trends. It is important to note that this is a period that includes two months of high mobility in our territory in January and February, with massive movements on rural roads.

road accidents
contrast both quarters, the year 2011 shows a decrease (absolute values) of 20% in serious road accidents (events occurred at least a Grade 3 injury, or fracture).

Road Mortality
The rate also shows a similar drop the previous (20,10%), mainly through the records in the first two months. In absolute terms, in the first quarter of 2011 killed one-fifth fewer people than the first quarter of 2010.

Road Morbidity
This indicator weighs the serious injuries resulting from road accidents, recorded a decline of around 11% for the same period.

Value Grave Killed by road accidents
This item allows you to weigh the effectiveness of actions and policies. The relationship between the first quarter of 2011 and 2010, remains unchanged at 0.50. In other words, there is 1 person every 2 dead serious road accidents.

Subject deeper analysis and detailed course, one can conclude that, in general, but were successful actions and policies to reduce the number of claims (eg .: alcohol, speed, traffic restrictions, etc..), those aimed at minimizing the consequences of it or not implemented or were ineffective. The results in this area have been zero.

The major objective that raises the ISEV-Institute for Road Safety and Education "is LESS and LESS accidents victims per incident.
It recommends promoting actions and policies to minimize the consequences of disasters (eg.: Use of seat belts and helmets, strict compliance with the agreements with the automotive industry standard for technology integration active and passive safety in their products, especially road safety education).

Source: ISEV


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