Sunday, May 30, 2010

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If want to inspire others and communicate, start by why people

I, and most will agree that web is probably the more news and gives us new ideas. So much so that many already have the healthy habit of seeing one of his videos a day are safe for new ways of seeing things and always an example of how to communicate.

Today, thanks to a link on Twitter (can not remember who), that great "knowledge network" has directed me to this video from Simon Sinek who has written a book, I imagine very interesting, and with the title "Start with Why." It creates a very simple model "The Golden Circle" whose development is very interesting. The video, which I strongly advise explains how to start a very different explanation or a sale with a DO to begin with a WHY. The leaders, who inspire or move at all do not start with a what. Politicians who bore us start with a what. Martin Luther King started for a reason, one I belive that connected with the I belive all his followers. So in a world without Internet, without a flash mob or mass connections crowd, gathered one day to 250,000 to hear his word. Those who speak from the "Why", the "WHY" connect with ourselves, with our emotional limbic system and we do not by them but for us. What we just try our beliefs and with which we connect with them. Why Apple is now the market leader if it is a computer company as there are thousands, if all do the same WHY. Why Whrigt brothers managed to fly the first aircraft and other equipment with all the elements for success will, funding, expertise, media coverage, etc. failed. All this tells Sinek in this video that I think is very interesting.

And you know, TED, one a day, and if not possible, at least one good week, let yourselves be advised by "scouts", there are many social networking and direct you toward the most

Ulltimo added. Just had finished this post when I saw a motivational video that focused on the paradox that the growing economic motives encourage in the repetitive and mechanical work but not working, or working backwards in the intellectual work. The reason This paradojanos led to a job that involves the mind needs a key ingredient: a purpose. A WHY. So add that video, which otherwise is very nice made through step by step drawings.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Get Better Wishes Religious

poststructuralist capital

all live in crisis almost daily
economic crisis, but not only the economy but also material the economy of desire that makes just

get a way of living articulate it becomes obsolete always live gap with respect to present our experiences intimate that we are relentless undermining of modes of existence

promoted by the market which
and undoes

train after day waist

our game to maintain a minimum balance

in that whole

and become agile in producing territories

[Suely Rolnik]

Friday, May 28, 2010

Barometric Pressure Readings For January

key to understanding why there are more than 1,000 million people with hunger

is a fact that for some time with me, I get dizzy and caused much anger, so much so pissed off even some protest proposals, such as the video Jeremy Irons who commented in a previous post to see that channel the protest towards the real culprits.

For in the Right to Food campaign. Urgent , which is a member of Engineers Without Borders on Tuesday presented a very useful book to understand this figure: Towards a new governance of food security . Marta

Caravantes, who helps organize this campaign through his company Cipó , highlights three facts:

- The world could produce enough food the next few years to almost double the current world population.

- In the past 30 years, the 49 world's poorest countries went from being exporters to net importers of food.

- The largest organization of summits and meetings does not guarantee effective progress on the commitments and goals. Poor governance facilitates international commitments are diluted over time.

Following the presentation, I will discuss the most important data of the book, how to get it, etc.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Barritos En Los Genitales

helping a tourist s country ????? Flash Mobs for sensitization

can say higher, but not clearer. My Channel compis Solidario have made this video should be in the drawer secretariat almost all NGOs in Development for when someone comes and says: I want to go to Africa to help ...

Monday, May 24, 2010

Gold Starter Earrings

in delay and dispersion

A camera lucida, and not anesthetized eyes of this writer, "one of those minds

used to organize the real

coded film, perhaps he could draw from this vertigo certain precise images, articulating the fragmentary to the logic of a puzzle, and, ultimately, to see anything. Seeing something in the middle of this blind incessant movement, which seems irreducible to any form of narrative. Enrique

Card Unreadable City EMR. Rosario. 2009

Thursday, May 20, 2010

How To Get Rid Off Red Dot On The Tip Of Nose


2010 dispersion
Thursday, June 17 19hs cultural center of Spain Park
more news shortly ...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cherry Digitalplaygroudn 2011 Watch Online

commented in the previous post my doubts about the use of flahmob as an advocacy tool from a call recently launched by the NGO Coordinator Spain. Elena Mendez, the great responsibility of Studies Coordinator, has sent me the video of the flashmob to check the results:

Elena says, from his experience in theater groups, which is one hundred percent in favor of using these tools for advocacy and go exploring its possibilities. I feel great experience and very useful to carry out these initiatives and then evaluate, improve, etc.

For my part, I told Elena that on the one hand, I feel great going out and reacting to people, indeed, I think the times ahead (crisis, cuts, etc), this Such initiatives will be increasingly necessary.

On the other hand, my fear is people's reaction to the scenes as the video begins, I guess if well controlled (and experience in theater helps) the results can be very good. But my first thought was, "Do people understand what is happening?" Because if they will not understand it, the result is not neutral but negative, ie if we have caused indifference, can be terrible.

In any case, we must give congratulations for the initiative, because the key is always in one experiment and as I touch the nose evaluated.

Friday, May 14, 2010

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An example of how to use Facebook for advocacy

One of the main problems faced by many development NGOs that are beginning to use social networks is, quite simply, the failure (No Human Rights both have a clear advantage when using the networks). Because what works perfectly for leisure does not work for awareness campaigns etc. And case in point was a call recently launched the NGO Coordinator Spain as Flashmob.

Instead, I want to highlight this initiative, "innovative" use of Facebook as a tool, among other things, to raise awareness. This is Responshabilízate. Innovative Ideas for Social Responsibility. for a period of time called a contest to pick up innovative ideas on CSR and gave three awards, as well as the goal was to publish a book collecting many of these ideas.

Achieved in four weeks, 24,498 visitors and 4,000 users who were interested in Facebook. But more importantly, collected 360 ideas. I think this format is to be taken into account in campaigns and initiatives that are to be made in the field of cooperation.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

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Keys to success in the campaigns of NGOs (2 ª part) Reflecting on the veil

Two years ago picked up on the blog the reflections displayed in a session organized by the director of the Institute for Social Innovation, ESADE, Ignasi Carreras, on the campaigns of NGOs. Yesterday I attended one of these sessions, with almost the same speakers: Esteban Beltran, Amnesty International, Arias Marta before and now Oxfam UNICEF, and Isidro Rodriguez , the General Secretariat Foundation Gitano (failed this time the director of Greenpeace, Juan Lopez de Uralde), which has helped me to compare a little bit about changing the theme of the campaigns in our organizations.

The truth is that there is not new with respect to the session two years ago and what surprises me, a crucial issue the emergence of new technologies in the campaigns of NGOs just deserved a comment. This is a summary of the session: Ignasi Carreras

planning to change the model of NGO action (actually is a change that is occurring in some, mainly large ones) in the sense properly combine advocacy with social programs cooperation with the aim of promoting local and global changes simultaneously. But for that NGOs must meet certain requirements:

  • Learn to combine idealism and pragmatism
  • political independence, and forward and here it difficult to achieve without economic independence.
  • Credibility and strictness, which is, transparency and accountability.
  • talent and experience. Career points which is a sector lame compared to other sectors such as political or business
  • Adequate funding, ie, increase social base.
noted in a previous post from a study on cooperation in the press, political independence rather than what is needed is a clear political position, which means no-partisan position as to indicate strongly responsible for poverty, inequality ... and not fall so in a sterile area and has begun to occur.

This video reminds me that I saw Jeremy Irons and "anger" at the 1,000 million hungry people in the world. It is moving but ... Whom do I direct my anger? Because it's "demand to world leaders" of course no longer works. But it works when you point unfair trade laws and place of adoption, predatory business practices and its players ... And if we pose possible solutions (rate Robin Hood, banking ethics, examples of development cooperation model ...) achieve more efficiency in our campaigns. Marta Arias

raised a battery of questions that we always must ask and answer before organizing a campaign, and gave us this web reference: . It is a good exercise to think of a campaign of our organization and begin to answer these questions:

What do we achieve?, Who holds the key to achieving change?, What do I need?, What I find receptivity to the campaign ?, what I can say or do and what not?, what I have legitimacy?, do we need a campaign to achieve our goal? ("Used a campaign when all else has failed," said Marta Arias), where is the power? (As I said, invoking the world leaders not to points where the power). Esteban Beltrán

was, as usual, very sharp, quickly conquering the audience even citing Pinochet. Beltran raised something as simple as important When it comes to development aid, are public policies or are human rights? . In the first case we are faced with a negotiation to make concessions and, second, no discussion because we talk about rights.

The problem appears to the social rights and development in the English Constitution which gives a more proactive to the point to be achieved progressively. In comparison, the example of South Africa where it became law, and protected, by law, access to free or reduced price of antiretroviral drugs.

Beltran also said, questions related to Marta Arias and to see that there is no hard and fast rules, a type of advocacy based on resistance : you know you will lose the battle, but you have to give it because we have something called principles. Examples: law of asylum, immigration, reform of the penal code ...

The fragility of human rights, said Beltran, now moves to the new border "have papers and not have them" and victims of poverty . Hence the increasing connections, and this Beltran said it but I guess I thought, between development NGOs and human rights.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Marshmallow Gun Canada

networks and their importance to society

Again a video from other such wonders where Nicholas Christakis tells us how social networks (the people, not tools like Twitter or Facebobok) explain epidemics such as obesity, happiness or sadness. We are social beings, beings who create networks. Even our genes are responsible position within the networks, whether central or peripheral, as our character determines the connections between those who are online. All properties of society that can not be explained by observing individuals emerge from the networks are emergent properties. Our emotions show for infecting them, we also want to create networks of emotions. The human being finds great benefits by creating networks, at least a number of advantages that outweigh the disadvantages of relating. Another video to enjoy.

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"In aesthetics, ie the construction and the decoding of sense, this has happened to the thread of technological changes have also meant changes in the modes of production, and widening access to mass cultural products. These developments have been tearing the art institution, which channeled preferentially cultural value, and abolishing their autonomy. The artist loses its unique attributes: it questions the genius and dissolves the notion of "author" in a magmatic derived meanings collectively produced spontaneously in a virtualized world, invaded by an overabundance of images and not the original intended , who have lost their aura of transcendence. The "works" are dematerialized in collective practices always open, in permanent dialogue with the 'now'. And the "spectator" before under the yoke of passivity and acquiescence distant becomes the new focus of meaning, is led to interact with that abundance even be exerting its selective or acquiring the skills and resources it also makes him a "issuer" diffuse. "

Amador Fernández-Savater
interviews Luis Navarro
, here

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

39 Weeks White Stuff Leaking

Friday, May 7, 2010

Lawyers And Panic Attacks

Treatment of cooperation in the press, you cross or star? Presentation of research

This week has presented research on "The press and international cooperation. Coverage of cooperation for development in nine European newspapers, of the Group for Research on Latin American Information Centre of Communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and directed by Professor Marcial Murciano.

I have not yet read the full report (now available for download in PDF), but I and questions arise from Data provided by the press release (also in PDF) and that I have read for the weekend. And despite that, I offer my most sincere congratulations to the authors of the report as was very necessary to have data on the coverage of the development aid .

This release seems to stand out as something negative, a fact that I do see positive: "Only in the international section of the weight of development cooperation reaches a remarkable level: 14.7%. On the Otherwise, the Society section framework of information on health, poverty, education or environment, the percentage of information that appears on cooperation is very limited: only 2%. "

I do think that cooperation must be linked to international politics , because this issue should be increasingly linked to advocacy in Northern countries .

Another paragraph which confuses me this note: "The media highlights the issues of more political and remain far behind others of great importance as the fight against poverty which appears only in 8.1% of the contents concerning cooperation ", but does not the fight against poverty should not be politically charged?

On the other hand, is found what most already suspected: The Millennium Development Goals are being forgotten - "during the three-month investigation, only nine European newspapers quote the Millennium Development Goals on 20 occasions - and if do not get them back on the agenda of the media, you'd better go thinking of other goals.

Another significant and I think that's not positive, "only 3.2% question the cooperation or development assistance." Is it really positive this unanimity? is true that we work in a very sensitive to criticism, but also their absence may lead us a sterile area . Development aid is not a bet neutral or apolitical, but must be a tool to change an unsustainable system .

And on top, as the study uses development aid in the partisan confrontation, seems clear that we are dealing with an infantile form. Perhaps what I miss is that they also change the perception that development aid is in our own sector. As

not believe that the organizations we should be protagonists of information sources but transverse, development aid should be in many cases a transverse axis to continue to denounce the real causes of poverty.