Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Sympathy Quotes On Loss Of Mother


"In aesthetics, ie the construction and the decoding of sense, this has happened to the thread of technological changes have also meant changes in the modes of production, and widening access to mass cultural products. These developments have been tearing the art institution, which channeled preferentially cultural value, and abolishing their autonomy. The artist loses its unique attributes: it questions the genius and dissolves the notion of "author" in a magmatic derived meanings collectively produced spontaneously in a virtualized world, invaded by an overabundance of images and not the original intended , who have lost their aura of transcendence. The "works" are dematerialized in collective practices always open, in permanent dialogue with the 'now'. And the "spectator" before under the yoke of passivity and acquiescence distant becomes the new focus of meaning, is led to interact with that abundance even be exerting its selective or acquiring the skills and resources it also makes him a "issuer" diffuse. "

Amador Fernández-Savater
interviews Luis Navarro
, here


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