Friday, May 7, 2010

Lawyers And Panic Attacks

Treatment of cooperation in the press, you cross or star? Presentation of research

This week has presented research on "The press and international cooperation. Coverage of cooperation for development in nine European newspapers, of the Group for Research on Latin American Information Centre of Communication at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and directed by Professor Marcial Murciano.

I have not yet read the full report (now available for download in PDF), but I and questions arise from Data provided by the press release (also in PDF) and that I have read for the weekend. And despite that, I offer my most sincere congratulations to the authors of the report as was very necessary to have data on the coverage of the development aid .

This release seems to stand out as something negative, a fact that I do see positive: "Only in the international section of the weight of development cooperation reaches a remarkable level: 14.7%. On the Otherwise, the Society section framework of information on health, poverty, education or environment, the percentage of information that appears on cooperation is very limited: only 2%. "

I do think that cooperation must be linked to international politics , because this issue should be increasingly linked to advocacy in Northern countries .

Another paragraph which confuses me this note: "The media highlights the issues of more political and remain far behind others of great importance as the fight against poverty which appears only in 8.1% of the contents concerning cooperation ", but does not the fight against poverty should not be politically charged?

On the other hand, is found what most already suspected: The Millennium Development Goals are being forgotten - "during the three-month investigation, only nine European newspapers quote the Millennium Development Goals on 20 occasions - and if do not get them back on the agenda of the media, you'd better go thinking of other goals.

Another significant and I think that's not positive, "only 3.2% question the cooperation or development assistance." Is it really positive this unanimity? is true that we work in a very sensitive to criticism, but also their absence may lead us a sterile area . Development aid is not a bet neutral or apolitical, but must be a tool to change an unsustainable system .

And on top, as the study uses development aid in the partisan confrontation, seems clear that we are dealing with an infantile form. Perhaps what I miss is that they also change the perception that development aid is in our own sector. As

not believe that the organizations we should be protagonists of information sources but transverse, development aid should be in many cases a transverse axis to continue to denounce the real causes of poverty.


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